Sifrei Torah Stolen from N. Jerusalem Shul

sto.jpgOn 20 Iyar (May 14th), mispalalim of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh Shul located in the northern Jerusalem community of Pisgat Ze’ev North were shocked to see the aron kodesh open when they entered at about 5:30am, YWN has learned.

Stolen from the shul were six sifrei torah, a sefer haftoros, a shofar, megillas Rus, and other items, including silver-plated kiddush cups. The sifrei torah were marked with identifying codes, part of the sifrei torah registry. They were all written in Sephardi script.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the shul’s gabbai, Avi Biton, at 054-446-1443.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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