Ichud (United) Hatzolah Is Fed Up With MDA

ichud.jpgIchud (United) Hatzolah (IH) Chairman Ze’ev Kashash spoke with Kol Chareidi and gave a lengthy interview explaining the split between his organization and Magen David Adom. He stated that he and his colleagues are fed up, and “one way or the other, they will move ahead and continue helping those in need, with or without MDA”.

Next week, a large kieos is scheduled which will be attended by the organization’s over 1,500 nationwide volunteers, rabbonim, elected officials and notables. Kashash explains that the situation in many areas is simply intolerable, and he can no longer tolerate the abuse from MDA and the organization has made the decision to move forward, together or independently. He stated that if need be, together with the rabbonim’s guidance, he will move forward to create an independent system and cut all ties with MDA, the nation’s emergency medical service provider.

Kashash cited a number of examples, stating in Operation Cast Lead, in a number of documented cases, Ichud Hatzolah volunteers were thrown off the scene of rocket attacks, prevented from providing emergency care to the victims. He expressed outrage over MDA’s attitude, “putting the patient last”.

In certain areas he added, MDA seems to focus on “politics, honor, prestige, and receiving recognition, not saving lives”. He adds that “there is a measure of competition in MDA’s eyes, feeling that IH competes for donor dollars, and MDA officials are not happy about this”.
Kashash adds that he has received word that Deputy Health Minister (Yahadut HaTorah) Yaakov Litzman is getting involved towards finding a solution and ending the conflict. He angrily adds that MDA has “ignored the rabbonim” by changing over to the new MIRS communications system which is still under evaluation vis-à-vis Shabbos and tznius issues. The tznius refers to the issue of men and women operating simultaneously on the same frequency.

Kashash concludes the organization began about three years ago, and relations with MDA were good, but as IH grew, the situation continued to deteriorate, reaching today’s unacceptable reality.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. >The tznius refers to the issue of men and women >operating simultaneously on the same frequency.
    The newest in Chumras — does that mean that in States Hatzolah will have to stop having women dispatchers? Who is putting the patient last?

  2. How nice it would be if you would get a reaction from an MDA spokesperson.

    As far as the tzinut “of men and women operating simultaneously on the same frequency,” I dont understand what the problem is – I’m sure the women aren’t singing on the radio. Which Rebbeim made this decision?

  3. Mr Chaverim- If youjust want to blindly follow the Rabbonim, that’s fine — but a psak has to make sense and have a basis in halacha before I can accept their decision

  4. How does a responsible news organization like YWN print a diatribe against MDA without also printing their response?

    Editors Response: Thanks for the compliment 🙂 No response was given as of the posting time.

  5. MonseyFan: reread #3. “If you still have questions, speak to them.”

    And Yes, you should trust them blindly, as the gemora says, if they say right is left and left is right; and a chazal said if the earlier generation are like angels we are like men, if they are like men we are like donkeys.

  6. To #2

    There are many more issues at hand both with MDA and Ichud Hatzolaah. Don’t take everything you read at face value, it might be worth it to speak to actual volunteers on the field before drawing any type of conclusions.

  7. Is this a joke? Female dispatchers? Really? What are we afraid of? Some Askan getting excited over the static getting directions to an old man in respiratory distress? Really?

  8. As a medic with United Hatzalah I just want to clarify something that was lost in translation in this article.
    The objection was not that a female would be transmitting over the communications net but that the walkie-talkie function would be used for mundane chatter among medics in a manner not befitting an organization that operates according to halacha and proper Torah hanhaga.
    As for the Shabbos related halachic issues they are being evaluated by the vaad harabbonim and while United Hatzalah operates according to their rulings MDA clearly does not.
    The need for Hatzalah organizations to interact professionally but operate independently of any other agency has been proven over time.
    We at United Hatzalah, as do our peers around the globe, strive to operate with the highest regard for Hatzalas Chaim in a framework that promotes Kiddush Hashem.
    May it be the will of Hashem that we accomplish these lofty goals.

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