Israel: Cracking Down on DWI

The Deputy President of the Jerusalem District Court, Justice Oni Chovash in a precedent-setting ruling stated a minimum sentence of a two-year suspension of one’s drivers license must be imposed on any driver found guilty of driving while intoxicated. The court stated that this is the minimum and anything less is not acceptable, even in extenuating circumstances of if the blood alcohol level is only slightly above the legal limit.

Justice Chovash added this includes someone whose livelihood depends on the license, a clean driving record without previous offenses, using the vehicle for community service or a young driver who needs a license to assist elderly parents. The court stated it is time to get tough and there cannot be exceptions.

The lengthy decision was issued in response to 16 appeals filed by the Jerusalem Prosecutor’s Office, seeking the minimum sentence mentioned above, which is rarely handed down.

The court stated anyone apprehended driving under the influence must be aware the price will be heavy, and one would be well advised to weigh the risks in advance. The court added that not handing down the minimum sentence demanded by law results in a lack of faith in the judicial system and the rule of law.

The Ohr Yarok nationwide non-profit, leading the battle for increased road safety, praised the court’s decision and expressed a hope that the ruling will be translated into practice in the nation’s traffic court system.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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