PA Sets the Rules for Peace With Israel

pap.jpgPA chief negotiator Ahmed Quriea (Abu Ala) is announcing demands for peace with Israel, days ahead of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ (Abu Mazen) scheduled meeting in the White House with President Barak Obama.

He states that the United States and the Quartet must adopt the Arab peace initiative, which demands an Israeli withdrawal to the boundaries that existed prior to the June 1967 Six Day War. This he explains will result in Arab recognition of Israel and it will solve 70% of the differences that exist.

He stressed negotiations cannot move ahead without a total cessation of construction in Yehuda and Shomron, including what is called accommodating natural growth. “We do not wish to engage in talks addressing a meter here or there, but a timetable for a withdrawal must be set and establishing a normalization of relations. The Madrid Conference was in October 1991, eight prime ministers later, we cannot start from the very beginning. Bibi speaks of a comprehensive peace. I do not understand the meaning of this for people living under occupation. His statements of ‘administrative authority’ and the like seek to return us to the 1970s. I totally understand his security concerns and we will work together, along with the Americans, to satisfy these concerns”.

When asked about recognizing Israel as a Jewish nation, he stated “this is not our business. Call it what you wish, a Jewish state, democracy, whatever. It is not correct to demand that we recognize Israel as a Jewish state since this will lead to the expulsion of Arabs from the land and creating a fait-accompli regarding the refugees, ahead of the negotiations to determine their status. Our outright objections to this remain in place.”

Regarding the settlements, he states, “I understand from polls that most Israelis yearn for peace and for this, there is a price. We paid with 78% of the land area. In Camp David, Taba and with Livni there was agreement in principle calling for an exchange of territories. The question is what will you take, the heart, a hand or a foot?”

When asked about the future of a community such as Ariel, he replied, “It’s a waste of time to discuss Ariel. Maale Adumim and Givat Ze’ev also will become part of Palestine. Any agreement must guarantee land contiguity. We must maintain control of the historic sites, primarily Jerusalem, as well as nature area, primarily water control”.

Do you believe Israel is about to evict 35,000 residents from Maale Adumim?

Abu Ala: Condoleezza Rice explained she understands our position regarding Ariel, but Maale Adumim is another matter entirely. I told her, and Tzipi Livni that those residents of Ariel and Maale Adumim wishing to remain in their homes, they may indeed do so and become residents of Palestine just like Israeli Arabs live in Israel. They may have two passports, Israeli and Palestinian. Welcome”.

Abu Ala: A Jewish settlement in the heart of our area is problematic. After all, Israel evacuated Sinai and Gaza. In addition, every prime minister who negotiated with Syria, including Netanyahu, agreed to leave the Golan Heights. Why then is the issue of settlements in the West Bank such a stumbling block? If we can present the Palestinian people with a real peace agreement that ends the occupation, Hamas committed to conduct a referendum among its residents.

Olmert announced he made the most generous offer but you rejected it. Do you really believe Netanyahu will give you more than 94% of the land area?

Abu Ala: if Israel truly wants peace, yes, definitely. From where should we take land for land exchange towards contiguity? Take Ariel for example, situated 22 kilometers into the West Bank or alternatively, the settlements from Givat Ze’ev to Efrat, which will totally isolate Jerusalem sooner or later, and also Bet Lechem. Do you think any Palestinian would support this? I am confident Abu Mazen truly wants peace. He has his share of problems because of this but he cannot sell any deal that will not earn the support of the people. Any agreement that does not guarantee the basic rights of the people will be rejected immediately by Hamas.

So why didn’t you reach an agreement with Olmert administration?

Abu Ala: I believe he truly wished to reach agreement but time was a major factor. Bush began late and then came elections. I believe if Olmert and Livni remained in charge, an agreement would be reached by the end of 2009. We did not disappear. Abu Mazen worked until the last minute towards reaching an agreement. I think the Egyptians are also getting fed up with your negotiations…

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. the arabs are the biggest fakers around. Its like the boy who cried wolf. After a certain amount of times you dont listen anymore. Look at every area that the Israelis pulled out of. It looks like a war zone now. There will never be peace until the coming of Mashiach iyh.

  2. Negotiating with arabs – ridiculous. Considering giving away ANY of Eretz Yisrael – ridiculous. Negotiating with arabs to give them ANY part of Eretz Yisrael – “priceless” INSANITY!!! Q.: How do you know when an arab is lying to you? A.: His lips are moving.

  3. i wish people would start calling a spade a spade, meaning no such thing as a palestinian, you either inherited your jordanian passport or you are an arab living in israel. if you don’t like it then emmigrate to another place but don’t say that your city is being occupied when actually the israeli government has almost no control there and you know it. in fact they get free utilities and probably don’t have to make good on their mortgages either. only Hashem will save us.

  4. I am afraid to say it but the only thing that will make the arabs happy is the total destruction of Israel, R”L! I agree with “the lady next door”.

  5. Well, first of all, how would other countries of the world feel if they had to give back land that they won in a war? for example, obama should give the indians back some land – how about Washington?

    2nd, wasn’t there some sort of an agreement signed by Sharon and the PA when he gave them gush katif? What good are these agreements if PA is not abiding by them?

    3rd, Seems to me that Bibi is a bit scared and, therefore, handed the Yehuda and Shomron project to Barak. Why do I say scared? Maybe he fears what happened to Sharon? Why else is he so easily wiping his hands clean of this? But it’s the same thing, what ever Barak will choose to do, will also be on his head, R’L. May H-shem have rachmanus al amo Yisroel – Amen!

  6. Let’s all be realistic. There is not going to be any truly independent Palestinian state with 250,000 Zionist colonists who will never be removed. The Arab population is increasing at a very fast rate, and is virtually 50% in all of Palestine. The idea of an Arab-Rein ethnocratic state is dead. The State of Israel is demographically finished. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  7. To Good yiddel;
    It seems from your words that you take joy in the state of israel being finished.
    2) Are you content with Israel being Judenrien?
    3) Would you yourself be happy living under PA rule?

  8. Tp good yiddel,
    1)If you were able, would YOU remove those “250,000 zionists colonists” from their homes?
    2) Do you hate those 250,000 zionists colonists? 3) Do you hate other people living in Israel?

  9. To good Yiddel:

    Read Yechezkel 39:28 and take a close, careful look at history.

    Someday, IY”H, davka the rest of the world (yes, where we non-Israelis are living right now) will be Judenrein, because IY”H, we’ll all be living in E”Y.

    Notice the hashgocho protis of the massive population transfers in 1948 — 800,000 Jews from Arab lands to Israel, and 800,000 Arabs from Israel into Arab lands. JUST IN TIME. Notice the mass aliyah after the fall of the USSR. Notice how the 500,000 Jews of France are starting to “freak out” about the emerging Arab menace in that country – and the aliyah trickle from France has been growing. Ditto for the 250,000 Jews of the UK. Pres. Obama is in the process of, R”L, destroying the USA; due to moral decay and eventual financial collapse, it’s merely a matter of time until the USA – sadly – will not be a hospitable environment. Hashem has His ways.

    You, sir, need to smell the coffee

  10. Couldn’t agree more with you Mr. Good Yiddel!!!!!
    I for one am smelling the coffee!!!
    I only hope there are many more of us who have that ability.

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