Russia Continues to Arm Mideast With Nukes

nuclear2.gifWhile international sanctions and pressure are aimed at Iran, the true villain in the story may be Russia, with Moscow continuing to sell weapons of mass destruction and advanced weapons technology to anyone will to pay the price.

According to recent reports, the only thing stopping the sale of advanced MiG E31 fighters to Syria is Damascus’ lack of funds to complete the purchase. Russia continues to play both sides of the fence, serving as a member of the Quartet forum, playing the role of international peacemaker, while simultaneously closing deals with terror-based and terror-supporting regimes for advanced WMD, a move that destabilizes the Mideast and threatens Western interests in the region.

The latest Russian deal was signed on Friday, closing a 10-year nuclear cooperation deal with Jordan. The lucrative package calls for nuclear power stations along with desalination plants.

Russia’s Novosti agency reported the deal, which was signed in Moscow, a deal calling for the construction of four nuclear facilities in the Hashemite Kingdom.

Joining Iran, Jordan explains the nuclear facilities will be for civilian use only, with modern nations moving towards nuclear electricity, which is less expensive and environmentally more desirable.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. The Russians are still Anti-Semitic Jew haters and fools at the same time. They are hoping that these weapons will be used exclusively against the Jews. They don’t realize that Muslims aspire to conquer those countries that are under Communist control too.

  2. Why is it that only the State of Israel should be allowed to have nuclear weapons in the Middle East? They have 230 nuclear warheads, enough to wipe out the whole Middle East with themselves included. However, these stories are merely disinformation. Every educated person who follows the news knows that Iran has no WMD at all.

  3. #2
    The answer to your question is that Israel is the only true democracy in the middle east, its run by mature leaders, and it is not a rogue state with apocalyptical ideas, and doesn’t consider its neighbours as infidels. Therefore it has the trust of the international community that it would not use nuclear weapons irresponsibly.

    And quite frankly, you didn’t need me to tell you that, cupcake.

  4. #3 you do not know much about democracy. The State of Israel cannot be a democracy, it is an ETHNOCRACY. Please review your notes from Intro to Political Science. And under international law the State of Israel can be considered a rogue state. Check your sources. A rogue state flouts international law, bombs anywhere, from Tunisia to Iraq or Iran, doesn’t sign the NPT and ignores the UN. That was the description of Iraq, remember? But it fits the State of Israel….

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