CIA Chief Warns Against Israel Attacking Iran

iaf1.jpgCIA Chief Leon Panetta following Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington stated Prime Minister Netanyahu is aware that if Israel were to attack Iran, it would lead to “big trouble”.

The CIA director confirmed his recent trip to Israel was to coordinate policy with Jerusalem, insisting Israel cannot act in a vacuum and must coordinate with America on the Iranian issue.

Speaking to the Global Viewpoint, Panetta explained that despite Israel’s concerns, Jerusalem will do better working in tandem with the international community and not acting unilaterally. He stressed no one is naïve regarding the Iranian threat, pointing out the current administration is working to open a diplomatic channel with Tehran.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Sounds like he should change his last name to PinHeada!

    I’m trying to remember who said:

    “If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.”

    Who said that anyway????

  2. “If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.”

    Who said that anyway????

  3. The double standard: Israel needs to ‘show restraint’ while the little thug in chief, Achmydinnerjacketisrumpled, does whatever he likes!

    This is madness! The guy threatens Israel and the United States on a regular basis and WE should show restraint? What is wrong with this picture?

    The ‘big trouble’ would be allowing more loonies to run around in the middle east unchecked with nuclear fuel and bio weapons.

  4. Is it a federal crime to say that Leon Panetta should be forced to live in Ma’alot Dafna for a few months? If anyone knows, please blog on.

  5. Flatbush Bubby,

    You are not allowed to say anything that makes sense which would involve a dem. Its a stira!!

    On the other hand, why Maalot Dafna? How about someplace closer to the “action” where he could be woken at any hour of the night to run into a cramped shelter???

  6. Nu, you expected the fafufener Italianisher to lift a finger before Israel is actually threatened? He’s on Obama’s leash.

  7. Israel is the only country that has to defend her right to defend herself; and to no avail either.

    The last time we obeyed ‘orders’ from the big mouths in America not to carry out a necessary pre-emptive strike we ended up with a tragic Yom Kippur war, and Jewish blood was spilled like water in those first few days.

    Not only they didn’t apologise, it seems they haven’t learn’t the lesson. Why should they? It wasn’t their blood that ran.

    We cannot afford to make that same misjudgement again.

    Thank you America for your support, but right now it would be most appreciated if you could kindly back off.

  8. welcome to the new obama administration. Bush’s pro-israel policies are now officially history. obama campaign promises to the contrary are now forgotten.

  9. “He stressed no one is naïve regarding the Iranian threat, pointing out the current administration is working to open a diplomatic channel with Tehran.”

    Naive, maybe not; stupid, definitely!

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