Some Facts & Figures Ahead of Yom Yerushalayim

51.jpgAs Israel prepares to mark another Yom Yerushalayim, 28 Iyar, the day on which Jerusalem was liberated in 1967; YWN presents some facts and figures on the Holy City.

A report prepared by The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies (JIIS) reveals that in 2008, 18,500 residents left the capital while 13,600 new residents arrived, a -4,900 negative migration, the lowest in many years. The lowest negative migration in past years has been 6,300.

While only having taken office in mid-2008, Mayor Nir Barkat believes the “new atmosphere” that exists in the capital is indeed a major factor in the welcome statistic. The mayor believes this is truly the beginning of a new trend, a positive one, which will manifest itself by a continued reduction in the number of Jerusalemites leaving, increased employment, increased quality of life, and the implementation of projects intended to attract the young back to the capital.

Jerusalem today boasts 760,800 residents, comprised of a 65% Jewish majority and a 186% population growth since the city was liberated in 1967.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. “Liberated” Jerusalem?

    Many prominent rabbonim tore their clothing on that day. So would I, had I been alive then.

  2. #2
    You’re trying hard to be a ‘kanoiy’, but I’m afraid you’re gonna need a little more practise, to make it sound authentic.

  3. to #2, Daniel:
    I would like to tell you the difference between those survived the Holocaust (and appreciated HKB”H’s gifts to us) and you.
    After the 1967 war, my father was concerned that international pressure and leftists within the Israeli government would force Israel to return Yerushalayim to the Arabs. The following year, my father, a survivor, travelled from NY to Eretz Yisrael for Yom Ha’atzmaut because he felt that a Yid should see the Kotel and daven to HKB”H “up close” at least once in their lifetime.
    You, on the other hand, are unappreciative and spoiled. Go “rais k’riah”. I’m sure HKB”H will forgive your lateness. And when we get forced out of America (which will happen one day because history repeats itself), do NOT go to the land over who’s capitol you “raissed k’riah”.

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