Landau: We Must Remember Israel Also Has Essential Interests

Minister of National Infrastructure Dr. Uzi Landau in a radio interview on Wednesday morning spoke of “Israel’s essential interests” when he rhetorically questioned why we continuously preoccupy ourselves with the essential interests of the White House and others.

Dr. Landau labeled some of the espoused policies of the United States “racist”, questioning why Arabs are free to settle anywhere they wish, to build anywhere they wish, while Jews are expected to halt construction in yishuvim and are prohibited from settling in certain areas.

The minister in reference to some of the statements and questions posed by the radio host made a comparison to the statements made by the meraglim (spies) after they were sent to scout out the land, expressing their worst fears.

He rejected calls that seemingly compel Israel to adhere to all of America’s demands ‘or else’, stating “we too have essential interests which must take priority over the American agenda”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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