Obama & Clinton Expect a Total Halt to Construction in ‘Settlements’

sw1.jpgUS President Barak Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have told Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu they expect a total cessation of all construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron, even construction intended to accommodate natural growth on yishuvim.

While the international media is busy reporting on the visit to the White House by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, with media agencies dissecting statements and offering interpretations of what was said, one thing is clear.

The White House and State Department are in sync, both expecting Israel to halt all construction on yishuvim, eventually expect areas of Yehuda, Shomron, and eastern Yerushalayim to be handed over to the PA (Palestinian Authority) to serve as a Palestinian state; expect Israel to turn over the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for a comprehensive peace; and other concessions that will return Israel to a minuscule entity with non-defensible borders.

Ironically, one cannot place the blame on the White House or anywhere else in Washington for the ‘two-state solution’ and all of the other agreements signed to date have been the doing of Israeli leaders, from Oslo to Wye, Camp David II, Annapolis and more. It was then Likud Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir who started the ball rolling with his infamous Madrid Conference, or if you prefer, preceding him was then Likud Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who handed over Yamit and other areas, turning over Sinai to Egypt, the first to uproot Jews, long before PM Sharon in 2005. Sadly, some of the Yamit Jews were pointed to Gaza, instructed to reestablish their homes in Gaza, only to be uprooted again.
In actuality, Oslo could not have passed in Knesset without Shas’ vote, and Chevron was actually turned over to the PA (Palestinian Authority) by Binyamin Netanyahu. He did not sign the agreement, but he did carry it out.
Many of the very same players responsible for the destruction of the Gaza and northern Shomron communities are running the country today, raising their hands, albeit with pain, but nonetheless, remaining in the cabinet of Ariel Sharon while Israeli force ripped Jews from their communities, avulsing them from their homes and their land, exhuming bodies from cemeteries, and ordering bulldozers to reduce shuls, yeshivos and mikvaos to rubble.
Undoubtedly, much of what was said during the meeting of the two leaders is not reported to the media, and much of what is written is nothing more than speculation based on media leaks and benign statements from advisors. There is always a behind scenes plan for problems such as Iran, but nonetheless, the new American administration is clear on its position, that Israel must continue giving away portions of the Promised Land in return for ‘good will’ to an enemy that continues to announce it remains committed to the destruction of the Jewish State.
President Obama seems to have intentionally ignored certain poignant realities, such as the fact that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) is losing popularity daily while Hamas is gaining, planting its roots deep in Fatah autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron. While the White House pushes for a deal with Abu Mazen, intelligence officials in Israel continue to monitor the situation with the realization his days in office may indeed be numbered.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

17 Responses

  1. If Iran launches a full scale military operation against Israel, initiated with a nuclear strike that destroys the large Israeli cities – what happens next?

    If the US can install a friendly Palestinian regime, that is working closely with the various other pro-American regimes, leading a full treaty between Israel and the Arab states, would Iran still be able to attack, knowing that the rest of the Islamic world has already decided on peace.

    If the US is unable or unwilling to protect Israel (and given the current economy, the US may be unable to launch a major military effort), then
    the best strategy for Israeli survival may be to seek what accomodation they can.

  2. How come we always hear about the demands on the Israelis and actually see them complied with? Yet the Arabs have never – never – never done anything but make empty promises to comply with agreements. 1)Rockets are still being sent from Gaza. 2)Gilad Shalit, AMU’SH, is still being held captive. 3)No changes have been made to the PA or Hamas charters. Israel must insist that they will not comply with any demands until at these three things, at an absolute minimum, are rectified.

  3. We know the story.

    Israel sees itself as dependent on the US for military (and other) aid, so it agrees to things it would otherwise reject. Whether it’s so-called land for peace or limiting military responses to terrorism, it defers to the US administration more often than not.

    It has no natural resources (oil) to leverage support from, say, China, Russia or France, so the US is really the only game in town. In the US, the Jewish vote is less unified than it once was, so politicians aren’t at risk if their support for Israel is less staunch.

    The US isn’t confronted by the same concerns as Israel. Though terrorism is a priority, the principal concern is its political and economic relationship with the rest of the world. Its policy statements reflect that.

    The US can afford to reject the notion that the Arab world thinks differently about the negotiations with Israel than the Israelis. Any inflammatory statements by Arab representatives are viewed merely as aggressive bargaining rhetoric, not the “real” story.

    We can expect more of a schism between Israel and the US during this President’s term(s).

  4. Hypocritical and obscene demands coming from the the worst settler state in history…


    which sits entirely on the stolen lands of the Indians.

    (We at least have historical + biblical + legal claims on Eretz Yisroel. America on the other hand has NONE)

    Shame on you Mr Hussein Ubama and shame on all of those Jews who helped bring this demagogue into power.

  5. I am extremely disappointed that on YESHIVA World News, comments number 1 and 4 were not written with any appreciation for hashgacha pratis.

    akuperma (#1): your comment reflects an exclusive belief in what Prof. Eliezer Berowitz terms (in “Faith After the Holocaust”) “power history.” This is the belief that practical politics and the might of armies control the destiny of Klal Yisrael. But Israel is not subject to “power history” as opposed to “faith history,” wherein which it is recognized that the Ribbono Shel Olam controls ALL of history, and that we must have bitachon that He will NEVER again let Am Yisrael be destroyed by either Amalek (Iran) or Yishmael (the Arabs).

    613nisim (#3): In light of “faith history,” we have EXACTLY the president that HaKadosh Baruch Hu
    intends for us to have now. There is really no point in casting aspersions on Jews “who helped bring [him] into power.”

    Folks, please remember that HaShem knows what He is doing as He leads us to the final geula.

  6. “If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.”

    Who said that anyway????

  7. Tell Obama and Clinton to go live in some of the hovels that the kollel yungeleit of Bnei Brak and Jerusalem are forced to live in because they can’t get apartments.

  8. “If the US can install a friendly Palestinian regime, that is working closely with the various other pro-American regimes, leading a full treaty between Israel and the Arab states, would Iran still be able to attack, knowing that the rest of the Islamic world has already decided on peace.”

    1-first of all a little faith man,

    2.The US has very little ability to install anything right now especially since Hamas is probably 6-12 months away from totally controlling Fatah.Im suprised at you, arent you watching whats going on?
    3.Iran doesnt wait for its marching orders from the other Arab states. In fact they are usually in a state of hostilities with most of them. You have succumbed to the Obama/Mitchel Clinton fraudulant premise, that the Palistianian and Iranianproblem are interconnected in some manner shape or form- THEY are not! I agree you need to listen to a little conservative talk radio- your way out there but its good to debate you.
    4- a little faith man

  9. #5 – what is wrong with you? Do you realize that haimishe families can’t get housing because of these rotten officials! Places like Beitar, house constuction has to cease! Subsequently, prices rise too for both purchases and rentals. Where are families supposed to live.
    Think before you post!

  10. 5, This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you but I will say for just about everyone who posts on this blog (including all my left leaning “friends”) that even if we dont say it each and every time, we truly believe in our posts that we are talking Derech Ha’teva and that YES, THERE IS A HKB”H WHO HAS A MASTER PLAN THAT WE DONT KNOW ABOUT!!

  11. Mark Levin (#11) said: “Yes, there is a HKB”H who has a master plan THAT WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT!!”

    Mark, we may not know about the individual details, but we absolutely do know the general strategy and the ultimate goal. I’m sure you’re aware that Navi and Chazal have written much about what to expect as the final geula approaches, and we are surely seeing many of the signs and wonders in our present time. I for one find it very exciting.

    It is for this reason that I don’t get overly worried about Iran’s nuclear missile development or the increasing power of Hamas. This is not to say that we don’t have to do our part within the derech ha’teva. Most certainly we do. I just wish that the Israeli government (and people like akuperma in comment #1) were a little more attuned to the “faith” side of the equation.

    Israel has a new government which, G-d willing, will invest more in emunah principles and not resort to the kind of thinking that akuperma espoused when he wrote: “the best strategy for Israeli survival may be to seek what accommodation they can.” My response is “chas v’shalom.” My emunah in the Ribbono Shel Olam tells me that there is absolutely no need to sell out to the enemy…not from frustration, and certainly not from fear for our survival. Somehow I imagine that you would agree. Yes?

  12. Welcome to the new Obama administration. Bush’s pro-israel policies are now officially history. Obama campaign promises to the contrary are now forgotten. And Hillary has removed her mask.

  13. #1 – Iran could not care less about how many Palestinians are killed, as proved by their use of suicide bombings. Suggesting that the US military could be crippled by a recession is ridiculous. And ‘accommodating’ those who have sworn to kill us is simply ludicrous.

    #4 – America is the most jew-freindly country of all time. Have some respect.

    #5 – Excellently put.

    #10 – Chill. All #5 said was that Hashem is controlling everything, and that everything He does is exclusively for our good.

  14. # 5 & 15

    (under His Royal Highness Hussein Osama and his cronies) is a robber/occupying regime(an historical fact you comfortably chose to sidestep)
    which despicable impunity will classify any action that runs contrary to its need of appeasing Iran/Worldwide Terrorism as “settlement activity”.

    Your incapability of distinguishing between a great country and its antisemitic/hypocritical government is sublime.

    # 5 Self righteous comment about Hashgacha Pratis was way off mark. Hitler, Stalin. Homon, Pharoh etc. were all placed there by divine plan and so what? Are we therefore supposed to get down on our knees to thank them for their great service to our nation??

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