Obama Wants to Take Yerushalayim from Am Yisrael

ok.jpgOn June 4th, US President Barak Obama hopes to earn his place in the annals of history, delivering a major address from Cairo in which he will hope to mend fences with the Muslim world, unfolding his master plan, his vision if you will for a comprehensive Mideast peace that will result in diplomatic relations between the Arab world and Israel.

The price for this marvelous package amounts to Israel making land concessions and returning to the stifling pre-1967 boundaries, relinquishing a major portion of the Jewish capital to permit the establishment of a Palestinian state, and uprooting hundreds of thousands of citizens from their homes. This will also result in handing over the Holy Sites of Yerushalayim to international control, most likely the UN.

Obama’s most senior advisors are currently working on the plan, the plan that he will present to the Arab/Muslim world on June 4th, one that will include calling on Arab nations to recognize Israel’s legitimate right to exist and to implement ‘confidence building measures’ towards the nurturing of diplomatic relations with the Jewish state.

The plan will of course be based on the concept of ‘two nations for two peoples’, which translates in Israel turning over the eastern portion of Yerushalayim to serve as the capital of a Palestinian state. In actuality, Obama thinks the solution will be found by ‘internationalizing’ Jerusalem, turning it over to United Nations control, a solution that the American president apparently believes will be more palatable to Israel than turning Jerusalem over to the PA directly.

The Palestinian state will be based on democratic principles, living alongside Israel in peace, and while it will be an independent entity, it will not maintain an army [which it already does today but the international community prefers to call it a police force, which is armed with AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifles and operates armored vehicles and more].

President Obama is confident that this can be achieved within four years, by the end of his first term in office.

On the issue of the ‘right of return’ for so-called Palestinians, Obama proposes that they will relinquish this demand in exchange for monetary compensation which will be paid by the United States, European Union and Arab nations. The ‘refugees’ will also receive citizenship in the lands they live in today, and they will also receive passports from those countries.

The master plan calls for simultaneous negotiations on a number of tracks, including Israel-PA, Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syria. This will all result in diplomatic relations between Israel and her neighbors, as well as between Israel and the Muslim world, including tourism and economic agreements. The president intends to remain personally committed and involved until his noble goal is achieved.

Regarding Iran, in his June 4th address, Obama will announce a willingness to enter into a dialogue with Iran without any preconditions.

At present, the plan remains in an advanced draft stage but following upcoming meetings with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in Washington, the plan will be finalized. The US president already met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who is returning to Tel Aviv today, Wednesday, and Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

Obama will use his Cairo forum to call on Israel to halt any and all building in “settlements” in addition to calling on the Muslim world to extend a hand of peace to Israel, a sign exhibiting a willingness to advance talks towards reaching agreements. This would include permitting tourism from Israel and permitting El Al to enter the air space of Arab countries.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu called for a total cessation of construction in yishuvim, even that which is categorized accommodating ‘natural growth’.

The White House also expects to see a continued relaxation of restrictions on PA residents, such as the planned opening of Tzion Road in Chevron. The planned opening was canceled at the last moment after ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Director Diskin expressed his opposition and fears to such a move.

Towards turning up the pressure on Israel in preparation for the June 4th event, senior Mideast envoy George Mitchell is expected to visit Israel once again and he may possibly make a stop in Damascus as well as the White Seeks to improve relations with Syria.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

28 Responses

  1. Sh’bchol Dor V’Dor Oimdim Oleinu L’Chaloseinu, V’HaKadosh Boruch Hu Matzileinu M’Yodom….

    To All My Jewish Brethren –

    Don’t lose any sleep over such news. If I were not a Yid, I would fall into a deep depression over such news. However, we are all Maaminim Bnei Maaminim and we all know that HaShem is in total control over the ideas and ideals of world “leaders” and it’s only a wake up call to us all to come back to Him. Let us all undertake a small act of kindness to do for another Yid and cause more love from one Frum Yid to another.

    Why should we get all up-in-arms when the world wants to split a city in two, when we see how families are being split in two by Machlokos??

    I’m not a Novi, but why not take this as a lesson that in order for HaShem to keep Yerushalayim and Eretz Yisroel from being split in two, we should also make sure that no Yid is felt like he’s split from another.

    We are sooooo close to the end, one can almost feel that Moshiach is here. When he comes, we’ll hide our faces in shame over our actions that caused him to stay away for so long. Let’s all erase some of the complaints we have against our neighbors/spouse/parents/siblings/Gedolim/teachers etc… and try to work on seeing good. Nobody will be perfect in a day. But if HaShem sees us ‘start’ to work on ourselves, He’ll at least see that we’re trying and putting in an effort to become one again and the Geulah will come.

    Please let’s not take such news lightly. It’s not a time to knock these ‘leaders’ (even though I wouldn’t mind doing just that), since we know that they are just a ‘stick’ that HaShem is using to ‘scare’ us. Let’s rather focus our efforts on mass Teshuva as we did in the times of Mordechai and Esther and we’ll merit to see the same miracles that happened in those days.

  2. Commenter #1 You are so so right. When reading this report, I heard Hashem calling on his kinderlach to do teshuvah. Mr. Obamination’s phony kumbaya spirit is a message to us to get with an emesdik “kumbaya” campaign and love every Yid with all our might, to have an ayin tov, to be don l’kof zechus, to replace negative words with words that uplift, to feel pride in our royalty and loyalty to Avinu Malkaynu. It’s constant work, but it’s a labor of love. Thank you for your wise words. Hatzlacha to all of us in this holy venture.

  3. #1 – well said! (and -derech agav- Kahane WAS right!) Remember — Rabot Machshavot b’lev eesh, Atzat HaSh*m -Hee Takum!!!

  4. I don’t understand the problem. Horav Schach stated clearly that for the sake of peace we SHOULD give land to the Arabs. What changed now?

  5. To: #5 “Klal Yisroel” – R’Shach ztz”l was undoubtedly speaking theoretically, that is, giving up land for a REAL peace. Since the yishmaelim clearly have no intention of making a REAL peace, sure R’Shach would not have wanted parts of Eretz Yisrael given away just to strengthen our enemies who seek to kill us.

  6. If the whole Arab world would officially agree to recognise Israel including Hamas, and say the US would help in ensuring & perhaps funding the relocation the yushvim properly. I can’t not understand why this proposal should not work. Who needs the headache of controlling land where the inhabitants are mostly Arabs anyway? Perhaps Obama is talking sense for once!

  7. #5 to “Sweet dreams”: I believe that what Horav Schach acctually stated is that for the sake of TRUE peace we should give land to the Arabs. What may have changed is that this “peace” sounds so phony.

  8. Rav Shach zatzal was reported to have said that if you van trust the arabs you should give the land back. Since you are not going to fight in the Israeli army it is not your call

  9. #1, brilliant!

    ANYONE who actually thinks the people who call themselves ‘palestinians’ are in this for peace needs to rethink their thinking…

    THEY don’t want peace in Israel, they want Israel in pieces…

    THEY want all of us turned into pieces…

    THEY want us gone…

    If WE want to survive, then WE need to remember the past and remember this:


  10. To #8 Lipalip – – The key word in your comment is the first word – “IF”! IF I had four wheels, I might be an automobile, – but I don’t, and I’m not. Still, my “IF” is much more likely than yours!

  11. derech ha’teva lets hope Natayahu has the testosterone to tell the US Govt to mind their own business. we should be calling the white house as well as our representatives to let them they WILL NOT get away with this.

    on the other hand what’s wrong with giving obama a chance??

  12. Response to #1 – All too often we see things going on in the world and we look for reasons and explanations. We have to have the reality of the situation fit with our view of our own reality. However, we must always remember that our vision of what’s going on is extremely limitted and as Jews we believe in a Higher Purpose to all that happens. Thank You So Much for helping us to focus on what Hakodush Baruch Hu is doing, rather than, Lehavdil Eleph Alphei Havdalos, what that man is doing. Tizkeh Lemitzvos!!!

  13. Like the weekly world news and other such publications which report alient landings, Mister Spira seems to be a daas Yochid in the media.
    I wonder where he got his crystal ball and mind reading capabilities.

  14. You absolutely should fall into a deep depression over any news like this and other stories in the news today. Anyone who disregarded the Gedolei Yisrael, and voted for, basically this Moslem raised man with extremist social and academy roots, put everyone at risk. Pnei HaDor, Ha Kelev. When you see this man walking his dog, that picture, with the dog out in front of him, should tell you something.

  15. Ein lanu al mi lismoch ela al Avinu sh’bashamayim.

    It’s time for us to wake up and smell the coffee. It happened in EgypyFrancePolandGermanySpainPersiaItalyRomeEnglandYorkAustriaHungarySwitzerlandUkraineRussiaPrussiaSlovakiaUzbekistan why cant/wont it happen here?

  16. To Stormin #10.Why are you stating giving land “BACK”, it never was their land to begin with… as for Lipalip, Giving E.Jerusalem over will not bring peace to anyone… Jerusalem must stand united and undivided it belongs to the people who Hashem allowed to win it in the 67 war.The Jews fought valiantly and we cannot let the blood spilled for our land be in vain…by just handing over the land that Hashem has B”H returned to us after 2000+ years of exile…Kahane was right… the palestinians need to leave Israel’s land and go to their lands. They have Jordan,syria, egypt, and many other arab lands to choose from…Leave the Jews alone in the promised land!!!Mr. Obama support Israel to maintain it’s borders.. and say “no” to any more concessions …Gaza withdrawal has proven where concessions lead to. It leads to a hot place for terrorplanning to destroy Israel..let us see this CHANGE of policy toward our ally, Israel…

  17. Oh come on, don’t exaggerate. Obama does *not* want to take Jerusalem away from Medinat Yisrael. I must note that Am Yisrael does not have any properties in this world.

    And please, please do not confuse “Am Yisrael” with “Medinat Yisrael”, since these are two completely different things, and according to many, they are mutually exclusive. One who chooses to support “Medinat Yisrael” can be said to have excluded himself from “Am Yisrael”.

  18. Fakertt, Mr. Breslauer.
    Medinat Yisrael is all inclusive and mashma Am Yisrael. Am Yisrael is all inclusive of everything inherent in it including Medinat Yisrael…unless of course you are a member of the Neturei Karta, or that famous Neturei Karta breakoff.

  19. Uh, Daniel Breslauer, you have not gone on YouTube and heard the “Very” Rev. Wright scream about the Israelis terrorizing the Palestinians. So, Obama is just doing the right thing according to his limited amount of intelligence.

    All in all, I agree with #1. But, there is one weapon that we have; PRAYER!!!!!

    One more thing, Obama got a Blackberry because he needs to be coached and fed everything that comes out of his mouth. I heard this on the Rush Limbaugh program. No wonder Obama lugs his teleprompter wherever he goes!

  20. you think the Arabs will agree?
    lets remember (just 4 a sec. not more)Barak & Arafat he offered the whole Israel almost on a silver platter, what was arafat’s response
    Everything-or nothing

  21. what is this garbage? not a single source? not one quote? I’m not saying that this isn’t possible, but this article only serves one purpose – to incite emotion in the frum community. let’s put away the pitchforks and torches until we have something on which to base such extreme claims.

  22. oh, please!
    Obama doesnt want to take away anything.
    The current situation is unsustainable, and he’s just trying to find a solution.
    If you don’t fight in the IDF, then dont open ur mouth about whether israel should give land or not.
    most israelis think it should. let them decide.

  23. Does anyone here notice how this thread has veered into politics again? A lot of time is spent into psychoanalyzing how the arabs think or do or what Obama does or doesn’t understand. Some are getting all excited about things which quite frankly don’t matter at all.

    If someone sends out his animals to wreak havoc in a neighbors garden, do you think the neighbor on the receiving end of this “treat” is going to care about how the animals crawled in or which patch of grass they ate and how quickly?

    Of course not.

    Why are we wasting our breath on which actions of the politicians make sense and which ones not?

    They are all the dogs that HaShem is sending into our ‘garden’ to send us a message.

    We’re only given a certain amount of energy to use. Why not use it to devise a plan on how to be “me’oir’er” people to come back to Him?

    Why not use these forums to be mechazek ourselves in Avdus HaShem instead of snipping at each other over which dog did what?

    Since we’re all anonymous here (except for Mr. Breslauer – who will BTW regret giving out his name one day), why not use it to our benefit to post Eitzos ideas on how to better ourselves?

    I for one, have decided that no matter how ridiculous a statement or action any one of our Gedolim do (in my eyes) I will not comment in a derogatory way against them and instead try to give them the benefit of the doubt. I know that to some it may sound very naive, and they may be 100% correct. However we all know of this concept of “HaKohen Asher Yih’yeh BaYomim HoHaim” – we only have the Gedolim that are around today.

    I know some of you will complain that who made them Gedolim, and to that I say that I’m not in the business of making nor destroying people or Gedolim. For every person I’ll say is a Godol, another five people will pipe up and claim that not. Therefore, rather than become a cynic and constantly look to knock them down, I have decided to keep quiet.

    Does anyone else have any ideas on how to serve HaShem better bein Odom L’Chaveiro???

  24. kahane_was_right, did you think it wouldn’t go that way?

    Your namesake would be disappointed if the conversation didn’t revert to politics…

    Vey, I hope that everyone understands this; Mr. Obama has NO SAY in how Medinat Yisrael is and will be.

  25. Thread veering into politics? What other subject could this possibly be about? If you don’t think Obama equates Palestinians with Israelis in terms of their equal rights to the same exact piece of real estate, you are sadly mistaken.

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