Chevron’s Tzion Road to Remain Closed for Now

The decision was made not to open Tzion Road in Chevron today, Wednesday, perhaps compelled by Tuesday’s statements to the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee by ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin.
Diskin expressed his opposition to opening the road to PA (Palestinian Authority) motorists, a roadway that was closed to the PA drivers for 15 years due to security concerns. The closure was decided upon as one of a number of measures intended to halt and prevent terror attacks.
The following statement was released by the Chevron Jewish community.
“Chevron’s position, opposing opening of Tzir Tzion (Tzion Road) for security reasons, has been awarded an official stamp of approval. This proves two significant facts:

“1) Claims made by Chevron-Kiryat Arba leaders, with the backing of various Knesset members, particularly those from the National Union, who yesterday visited Chevron, and ministers, including Interior Minister Eli Yishai, who publicly opposed reopening of the road, have now been confirmed. Reopening of Tzir Tzion will endanger Israeli lives. The Chevron community position is not a hysterically exaggerated – politically-motivated demand. Rather, it is an attempt to prevent more Jewish blood from being spilled.

“2) The decision to reopen the road, beginning with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, down thru Central Command General Gadi Shamni and Commander of Judea and Samaria Noam Tivon, was not security-related. Israeli lives were not taken into account when their decision was made. Rather, the decision was politically motivated, in keeping with the idea that ‘easing Palestinian lives’ is more important than protecting Jewish lives.
“Chevron’s Jewish Community calls on the Defense Minister to admit his error, to accept the opinion of Israeli GSS director Yuval Diskin, and officially end attempts to reopen Tzir Tzion. It’s time that Ehud Barak stop playing politics with Israeli lives!” 
MK (Prof. Aryeh Eldad) in his objections to Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s decision explained that during the past years, tens of Israelis were murdered by Arab terrorists and reopening the road would just facilitate renewed attacks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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