IAF Strikes in Retaliation for Rocket Attack

iaf22.jpgThe air force on Tuesday carried out two bombing raids over Gaza, striking terrorist targets in Rafiach, Khan Yunis and areas in Gaza City. Air force officials report “accurate hits” and that all aircraft returned safely to base.

Terrorist sources report a number of injuries, adding tunnels and weapons manufacturing facilities were struck.

The attacks were compelled by Kassam rockets striking Sderot, resulting in one person being lightly injured, others treated for hysteria and damage to a home. The rocket landed in a yard between two buildings, damaging one of the homes. The woman was injured by shrapnel and transported to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. #1 ) That is all yo have to say when Eretz Yisroel gets attacked. Better not to write anything then to write what you wrote. Thank you

  2. Heshy – you wouldn’t be yawning if it is your house that was getting bombarded. What a sickening midah ra’ah of apathy you have.

  3. but wait, let’s judge Heshy L’kav zchut. Heshy please explain what you mean by yawning? because it doesn’t look good here.

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