Israel: Grandma on Wheels at 95

mishtara1.jpgTraffic enforcement police were somewhat surprised when they pulled over a vehicle traveling 132 KPH in an area with a 90 KPH maximum. Police asked for the driver’s license and it stated she was born in 1914. When they thought there may be a typo on the document, the driver proudly exclaimed that she is indeed 95-years-old.
The car stop took place on Sunday on a road between Petach Tikvah and Bar Ilan. Police radar clocked the vehicle exceeding the speed limit by 42 KPH, compelling the car stop. “I saw the roadway was empty so I gave it the gas” the 95-year-old driver explained, adding she was hurrying home with her shopping, afraid it might spoil.
Police ran a check of her license, and learned her record was quite clean. Police add she is the oldest speeder on record, adding that she is summoned to a traffic court hearing and her license has been suspended for 30 days.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. There once was a cop on a motorcycle hiding on the side of a highway. Along came a car traveling 35mph. While driving fast can be dangerous, driving too slow can be hazardous as well. So the cop puts on his lights and sirens and pulls out, gets behind the car and pulls it over. In the vehicle he sees 4 elderly woman white as gohsts. He approaches the window and asks the driver why were you going so slow on a major highway? She replies the speed limit is 35mph. Well the officer responds that’s the Rt number. Then noticing the the still white faces, he says don’t woory I won’t give you a ticket but why are you all so white?! the old lady in the passenger seat replys “we just got off hwy 125!

  2. Hey savta, what is your secret? I would like to have your driving abilities at your age, IY”H! Right now I pray that the drag racers on the Belt Parkway leave me alone!

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