Power Outages in Tel Aviv Area Due to Heat-Wave

Monday’s sharav heat-wave was accompanied by difficult weather conditions in the Greater Tel Aviv area, resulting in power outages. Israel Electric Company officials report they exceeded their 7,800 megawatt capacity when temperatures soared midday, with demands peaking at 8,000 megawatt. Seeking to prevent a system collapse, lights were turned out to certain areas as IEC officials took action to immediately diminish the demand.
Consumers were angered, with many condemning the electric utility which they feel charges premium rates but never seems capable of maintaining service when temperatures soar.
IEC is a favorite subject of criticism in Israel, known for paying its employees salaries higher than the national average; as well a providing attractive perks. Residents in areas affected with the power outages question how this is permitted to continue, adding this was the first major heat-wave of the season and summer has not even arrived but nevertheless, the electric company shuts down areas and does not seem to have to give any accountability to any government body.
On the other side of the coin, IEC officials proudly boasted the fact that the utility company was able to restore total service within 90 minutes.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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