MK Ben-Ari: Decisions Should Work Both Ways

Members of the Ichud HaLeumi opposition party on Monday toured Chevron, visiting Bet Hadassah, the Machpelah and other areas. They were not permitted to enter H1- PA occupied areas, as Defense Minister Ehud Barak rescinded their permit to do so. Israelis are barred from entering PA autonomous areas.
Taking part was MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, who Monday night explained to Kol Chai Radio the purpose of the visit was to send a message – a message questioning the rationale of the government decision to reopen Tzion Road to PA (Palestinian Authority) motorists after it was closed for 15 years due to security considerations.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak in both the current and previous administrations have been removing checkpoints and roadblocks throughout Yehuda and Shomron, signaling the White House that he is complying with demands to relax restrictions on PA residents.
Chevron residents have urged the minister not to reopen Tzion Road, stating doing so will considerably facilitate carrying out terror attacks as was the case in the past. Barak remains tenacious in his decision to open the road to PA motorists later this week.
Ben-Ari and his colleagues feel that if the Arabs are permitted free travel in Israeli areas, then at the very least, Jews should be permitted to enter the PA areas of Chevron but Barak refused their request, limiting the visit to areas under Israeli control.
In the radio interview, Ben-Ari touched on a number of other related problems, including the difficulty in tracing PA vehicles, many unregistered and many stolen from Israel. This significantly complicates matters if one of these vehicles is involved in an accident or traffic violation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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