High Court: Why Aren’t Outposts Being Removed?

The High Court of Justice on Tuesday, May 18th, gave the state 90 days to respond as to why the government is not moving ahead to remove six unauthorized outposts slated for removal.
The court was responding to a petition from Peace Now, calling for the removal of Givat Assaf (near Ofrah – Shomron), Givat HaRoeh (near Eli – Shomron), Ramat Gilad (Shomron), Mitzpei Yitzhar (Shomron), Mitzpei Lachish (near Chevron – Yehuda) and Maale Rechavam (near Bet Lechem – Yehuda).
The left-wing Peace Now organization has been tenacious in its struggle to have the communities uprooted; maintaining they were established illegally and some were placed on Arab lands.
The defense minister has repeatedly extended the order halting building and making occupancy illegal after a certain date, and that has recently been extended for another year. The High Court has now intervened, ordering the state to respond within 90 days to explain this action.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Duhhhh… Isn’t the goal of Zionism to BUILD up the Land of Israel?!?!? Why isn’t “peace now” designated as an illegal organization since it is seditious and treasonous – and even RACIST (since they only want to destroy JEWISH “outposts” and not arab ones)!!!!!!

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