Obama Sees No Need for Deadline Concerning Iran

obbi.jpgThe media is reporting the ‘big news’ that the planned 90-minute White House meeting between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barak Obama was extended by about 30 minutes, leading to speculation of possible friction or disagreement.

In essence, it appears the prime minister used his oratory skills to sidestep the words “two-state solution”, explaining he supports PA (Palestinian Authority) self-governance, but did not say the magic words the American president waits to hear. He stressed Israel does not wish to govern the lives of PA residents, but the president could not extract the ‘two-state solution’ commitment he so badly seeks.

Nevertheless the prime minister has stated he plans to abide by all previously signed international agreements so his sidestepping may be nothing more than an attempt to appease his right-wing voters while in essence, he will comply with American pressure. During his last tenure in office, the prime minister adhered to the agreement signed by the previous government, handing over 97% of Chevron to the PA.

On the other side of the coin, the meeting did not produce the open US commitment to set a firm deadline to halt ongoing Iranian nuclear ambitions, with Obama explaining he does not see the need to impose artificial deadlines. The president signaled he would like to see progress by the end of the year. Israeli intelligence estimates indicate the president’s schedule for diplomacy will pass the deadline, with Iran achieving nuclear capability.

The president refers to the options, the “range of steps” as he put it, but did not appear to share the urgency felt by Israel’s security and intelligence communities, remaining committed to dialogue while Iran rapidly closes in on the nuclear ‘point of no return’.

President Obama appeared more interested in reminding the prime minister’s of Israel’s 2003 Roadmap Plan commitment to halt settlement construction, but the prime minister did not speak of the two-state solution which appears to be the platform of the Obama administration. Mr. Netanyahu stated he is ready to enter into immediate talks with the PA as well as calling upon the PA to openly recognize Israel’s legitimate right to exist as a Jewish state.

Despite the smiles and benign statements that follow such a meeting, it appears the two leaders were speaking on different tracks, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu seeking assurances for US backing regarding Iran and President Barak Obama wishing to advance his vision of a new Mideast, ignoring the facts that include gross lack of PA compliance to any and all agreements since the signing of the Oslo Agreement under the Clinton administration on Sept. 13, 1993.

Despite the president’s views, a somewhat colder policy towards Israel than his predecessor, George Bush, it is significant to point out that some 78% of American Jews voted for him in the election.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Obama’s tactics: Sheli Sheli – Shelcha sheli.
    Why was too much emphasis put on 2-state, but when it comes to making Iran “halt nuclear ambitions” the answer is ….. “with Obama explaining he does not see the need to impose artificial deadlines”

    Another issue: “some 78% of American Jews voted for him in the election.”
    Media is by far the best brainwashing tool in existence, not all at once – no no no – that’s not effective. It was precision at its finest – drop, by drop, by drop. We all know that drops of water, within time, will cut a stone. Anyone who followed the election from the beginning saw all the “skeletons” that his opponents (including Clinton) dug out of the closet on him. Too many close ties to anti-semitic Muslim friends, priests, family members, etc…. Would 78% of American Jews ever vote for his priest, for example? A grown man has the free-will to pick any priest he wants. What does it tell you about a man that picks a radical Muslim, anti-semitic Priest? Perhaps it means that he likes and relates to his views.

    Moving on ….. if you remember, there was an interview where Obama who politely says this was his “past” or “we are not friends anymore” or “I am actually a x-tian, not a Muslim” and he gives the history of why he was “temporarily” in a Muslim school. The media seems like a neutral unit that simply reports facts. No my friends, they are very clever. They will report the fact, but in the way they want you to see them. They will use every trick in the book and will play on your emotions UNTIL YOU JUMP THE BORDER AND COME ON THEIR SIDE! If you watch mainstream media, eventually, you will be brainwashed. A clear example of this is how they show the suffering side and the blood in Gaza and not enough in Israel. There are countless Gaza interviews of women, children, etc… playing on the vast audience’s emotional side. You all know what I explaining here. We all get tired of watching it or hearing about it. In the beginning of the campaign, he made lots of blunders so did his wife. Everyone makes blunders, but because they were recorded live (no touch-ups, no re-takes) we got to see/hear it. Then, Clinton dropped out of the race and the Media made him a god – slowly though – cleaning up his mess and cunningly dropping these subtle drops on us (and most of us buy into it). However, some of us are not fooled and not sucked into being hypnotized. Then more drops and more drops – Obama hires Jews to be his “advisors” making him look “Jew friendly” Where are these advisors now? Why aren’t they advising him to STOP Iran? You’ll see – I predict in ruach ha’cottege that “Jews” will mysteriously start resigning for something Idiotic like “photo-ops.” I vented enough. Lastly, good job Bibi for not caving. 🙂

  2. “If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.”

    Who said that anyway????

  3. Mr B. Hussein Obama is trying to impose upon us a “2 state solution” which he knows may serve as a solution for the palestinazis but for Israel will surely spell another “Final Solution” C”V. It is only natural that he should side with his fellow Muslims just to tame his good tiger friend from Iran. As a good learner of history, he must be taking after Chamberlain who wrote off Czechoslovakia to another tyrant as he tried to attain “Peace For Our TIme” with Hitler YM”SH.
    By the way, Hussein, how about a 2 state solution for the US which your predecessors stole off of the Indians???

    I was in Washington DC at the White House and I was amazed at the turnout in support of Israel! Jews and Christians together letting their voices be heard! G-d said “BATTER UP” and it was wonderful to see many at the plate, the White House! NO LAND FOR PEACE NO 2-STATE SOLUTION G-D GAVE ISRAEL TO THE JEWS MAZEL TOV BIBI, NEVER AGAIN!!!

  5. As usual the President lives in his own world which has no connection with reality. Sometimes I think he gets his foreign policy advice from William Ayers or from one of his daughters.

  6. Mark Levin its much more then that, if someone’s threatens you to wipe you of the map you don’t give him a deadline you give him a dead-end

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