Jerusalem City Hall Working to Keep Students in Town

Jerusalem City Hall is announcing a list of incentives intended to persuade university students to remain in capital after that sector showed a negative migration rate for a number of consecutive years.
Mayor Barkat on Sunday announced his plan, which is in line with campaign promises, offering many attractive reductions and subsidies including rental subsidies, an 80% reduction in arnona property tax, 50% reduction in public transportation, as well as education grants for qualified students.
Barkat stated that keeping the young students in the capital will be a high priority of his administration.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Not a chance. I might be going back to Europe for a few years to continue my studies there. Studying in Israel is out of the question due to the cost involved.

    Also, studying at a Israeli university full of secular Jews is inappropriate for a frum person, because it is a very bad environment. I prefer studying together with non-Jews rather than with chilonim.

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