PHOTOS: Tzion of Nadvorna Rebbe ZATZAL Desecrated in Latest Attack

nke.jpg[YWN PHOTOS LINK BELOW] The latest vandalism attack in Har HaZeisim was particularly painful when members of the Chevra Kadisha discovered the Tzion of the Nadvorna Rebbe ZT”L was badly damaged. Assailants broke into the Tzion and damaged everything in sight. A flammable substance was poured onto the kever, windows smashed, seforim set ablaze, and furniture smashed. Because of the extreme heat from the fire, the marble of the kever and surrounding it cracked and shattered in some areas. Damage was extensive.
Shortly after police reported arresting 11 Arab juveniles [reported HERE on YWN] linked to previous cemetery attacks, it was learned that not only did the hate attacks not cease, but the vandals have stepped up the level of the destruction, this time striking out at the Tzion of the Rebbe ZT”L.

Nadvorna Chassidim who arrived on the scene were pained and outraged at the destruction, explaining about four years ago, tens of thousands of dollars were spent to refurbish the site.
Police responded to the scene and crime scene investigators report they did succeed in obtaining a number of fingerprints from the Tzion, which they hope will assist in apprehending the responsible individuals. Police went outside to continue photographing the scene only to realize the kever of the Rebbitzin, Moras Simah Raizel A”H was also targeted. Damage to this kever was also described as considerable.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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