Bnei Brak’s Mayor Harassed by Disgruntled Vendor

When Bnei Brak Mayor Rav Yaakov Asher left his home on Sunday he was met with a most unpleasant surprise. A disgruntled merchant whose illegal vendor’s booth was removed by the city was waiting for the mayor. The owner of the Jabotinsky Street booth waited for R’ Asher in an effort to intimidate him.

As the mayor approached his vehicle, the suspect began a barrage of verbal assaults and when the mayor entered his vehicle, the man lied down to prevent the vehicle from leaving.

The mayor filed a police complaint and the suspect police explain will face the full impact of the law, unwilling to tolerate such incidents, targeting a public servant.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The man “lay” down. Not “lied” down. Whom did he lie to? He wasn’t even talking, just laying! Gosh.

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