Rivlin: Yerushalayim was ‘Liberated’ not ‘Occupied’

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin on Sunday set the record straight, telling Arab MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi that Jerusalem was “liberated” in the June 1967 War not “occupied”.
Rivlin’s remarks were made in response to Tibi’s comments earlier in the day, stating he does not plan to take part in the Knesset tour of Ir David on Tuesday, coinciding with Yom Yerushalayim this week, explaining the area of the capital is “occupied by Israel”.
Rivlin explained that King David conquered Yerushalayim and it then became Kfar Shiloach, the capital of the Jewish people. “Since then, Jerusalem has only been liberated. Jerusalem was not occupied 42 years ago, but liberated.”
The speaker did however defend Tibi’s right to express his opinion.
Also responding to his remarks was MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, who called Tibi’s appointment as a deputy Knesset speaker a “Trojan horse” adding that “his place is in prison, not he Knesset”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. finally, a decent comment made in the knesset, now lets get the word out in the media too. dont be afraid to tell the truth, it never changes, only ‘dimplomtic speech’ does.

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