President Peres Turns to Assad to Step Forward

In his address before an international economic summit in Jordan, President Shimon Peres on Sunday called on Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to enter into direct talks with Israel instead of the past formula, talks mediated by Turkey.
“If President Assad wishes peace, then why is he shy?” asked Peres, calling on the leader to step forward and enter into direct negotiations with Israel.
The president met with King Abdullah, and when asked what Israel’s position is regarding the two-state solution, he stated that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has stated his administration will honor all agreements signed by previous administrations.
Mr. Peres also made reference to remarks made on Sunday by Amr Moussa, the head of the Arab League, who warned the biggest Mideast nuclear threat is Israel, not Iran. Mr. Peres suggested that prior to speaking; it would be wise for Moussa to check why Iran seeks Israel’s destruction and then comment.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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