MDA Director Pockets $100,000 Humanitarian Prize

In a prestigious awards event last November, the chairman of Israel’s Magen David Adom, Dr. Noam Yifrach last November was called to the stage to receive an International Red Cross humanitarian prize, a $100,000 prize. The prize was awarded for the doctor’s “humanitarian efforts” on behalf of MDA.
Critics explain that Dr. Yifrach should realize that after a mere six years in his post, the prize is not his alone, but the result of the decades of humanitarian work MDA has been doing, and therefore, the prize should be turned over to the organization. Yifrach however views the situation entirely different and as a result, has pocketed the handsome prize for himself.
Some of the notables who recommended Yifrach for the prize include Colin Powell, Madeline Albright and Dr. Henry Kissinger. The prize was bestowed upon the doctor in the presence of then Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice. MDA officials viewed the award as a major breakthrough, a sign of international recognition following years of public humanitarian service.

It would give the appearance that MDA has something to hide since the award was not mentioned, not advertised by MDA and mention of receiving the prestigious recognition is not event mentioned on the organization’s website.
According to the Yisrael HaYom investigation into the matter, Yifrach, whose appointment was the subject of a state comptroller’s report three years ago, criticizing then Health Minister Danny Naveh’s inappropriate actions regarding the appointment, decided to pocket the $100,000 as if it was his alone, not the organizations.
What was also learned is that the directorate voted in majority to permit him to pocket the money. Only a few voices of dissension were heard. His decision to pocket the money also enjoyed the support of MDA’s legal advisor.

Zohar Galai, who is the Jerusalem district labor representative, has a different opinion, one of outrage. He has turned to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz and State Comptroller Justice Micha Lindenstrauss to investigate.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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