UN Atomic Energy Official Warns Against Attacking Iran

iaf.jpgThe UN IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) director, Mohamed El-Baradei, warns against an Israeli offensive against Iran.

The senior official believes the matter should be worked out between Iran and the United States, explaining in a media interview that a military attack against Iran would turn the entire region into a “giant fireball”, adding Tehran would immediately begin building an atom bomb and would enjoy the support of the international Islamic community as well.

Regarding last week’s American announcement of a ‘freeze for a freeze’ plan, the IAEA head stated he does not believe this will achieve the desired results. He also encourages Iranian negotiators to accept the hand outstretched in peace from the White House towards resolving the conflict through negotiations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. i believe a New Order is necessary in the Age Of Obama. Isreal must form new alliances with Japan against Korea and India agains the Moslem World, thee are wealthy counties and up to date tefchnologicaly. We might include Great Britain, and France under Sarkhozy. We acn’t rely on the USA anymore. We need new alliances. pass this on

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