Chacham Ovadia Yosef Bids PM Netanyahu Well on Washington Visit

bibi2.jpgHagon Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita telephoned Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on motzei Shabbos to wish him well as he prepared to leave for the United States for a first visit with President Barak Obama.

The prime minister is expected to announce his political policies vis-à-vis diplomatic efforts with Israel’s neighbors, primarily the PA (Palestinian Authority). The new American president is expected to seek or even demand an Israeli committal to the so-called two-state solution for the establishment of a Palestinian state. Media reports are conflicting regarding the prime minister’s intentions during the meeting regarding such a declaration or commitment.

Another matter expected to occupy a good portion of time during the meeting between the leaders is Israel’s growing concerns regarding Iran’s advancing nuclear program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I pray he doesn’t cave into Osama (ooooops sorry) Obama’s pressure tactics. It’s a good thing Bibi can’t be fired by the administration (or forced to resign – as we’ve seen lately).

    This 2-state issue really has me concerned. Didn’t we see enough where “we give them a finger, they (the Palestinians) don’t just want a hand they want the whole body.” Where do we draw the line? THEY WANT US FINISHED!

    Besides, it has clearly been the history with the presidencies from Clinton to now, that every president wants to be “THE ONE” who will mark history with the peace process. Do you remember how much pressure Clinton put on Barak to sign with Arafat, imachshimo V’zichro, until Barak eventually caved in and wanted to sign and give a portion of Yerushaliim? Baruch H-shem, mishami’im, the idiot Arafat was greedy and wanted more, resulting in a no-show. What hashgacha pratit this was – unforgettable!

    Does anyone have connections to Bibi to be mechazek him and not to cave in?

  2. Its not in netanyahu’s hands or president obama,its all up to hashem.we should all davin very hard that america doesn’t make israel do anything crazy.

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