Belz Community in Haifa Reopens Haifa’s Great Synagogue

Signaling a continued growth of the local chassidic/chareidi community, Belzer representatives in Haifa this week announced the official reopening of the Great Synagogue in the port city, a shul that has been closed for many years.

Officials point out that Baruch Hashem, the Belze community of Haifa is growing rapidly under the guidance of HaGaon Rav Berel Richnitzer Shlita, rosh yeshiva and community rav.

To date, the Belze Beis Medresh has been located in Chermon Street in the Hadar neighborhood, a hub of round-the-clock minyanim. The beis medresh serves the entire gamut of the local frum community. It has been known for sometime that a larger and more permanent location was needed and Baruch Hashem, it appears the Great Synagogue fits the bill exactly.  The Great Synagogue has been vacant for about a decade, until a year ago when Belze received permission to begin using a section of the massive structure.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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