Israeli Arabs to Mark “The Nakba”

Israeli Arabs in Akko plan to observe “The Nakba” (Tragedy) marking the establishment of the State of Israel.
The event, supported by Hadash Party MKs, is scheduled on Friday at 8:00pm, a parade in the racially mixed city. Participants plan to carry black flags and torches to express their mourning over the creation of the Jewish State. Organizers explained it is critical to send a message to today’s youth that they mustn’t ever forget what occurred in 1948.
Akko Councilman (Yisrael Beitenu) Shlomo Fadida expressed outrage over the planned event, warning it may spark renewed racial riots as was seen in the city last Yom Kippur.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. If the Israeli Arabs (as they are incorrectly called; they do not live in the KSA), don’t like their ‘landlord’ they can rent in another area!

    Nakba, really.

    They (Y’S) do not want peace with Israel, they want Israel in pieces…

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