Ministers Seeking Legal Response to Rocket Fire

A ministerial committee will be investigating the possibility of filing lawsuits against Hamas leaders in response to continued rocket fire from Gaza.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman heads the committee, which is investigating alternative methods of responding to and combating terrorism. Committee members include Ministers Ne’eman, Barak, Shalom, Meridor, Herzog, Margi, and Peled. National Security Advisor Uzi Arad will also serve on the committee along with a top media advisor of the prime minister, the Defense Ministry chief legal counsel and the IDF judge advocate general.
Katz explains that today, Israel is under attack and instead of remaining on the defensive Israel must move to the offensive in the realm of public relations and judicially. He is calling for a response to every single rocket fired, in the international diplomatic community and in the international courts, following the lead of recent suits filed in Spain against senior Israeli officials, alleging charges of war crimes against them stemming from the IDF’s counter-terrorism offensive in Gaza, Operation Cast Lead.
Katz explains rockets are being fired into Israeli civilian population centers, in violation of all international norms. Nevertheless he explains, “We are on the defense. We are the accused”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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