Abdullah’s Untenable Offer

In an interview appearing in The Times of London, Jordan’s King Abdullah II speaks of his ultimatum to Israel, the possibility of peace now, or war in the coming year.
The Jordanian monarch insists that he is playing a vital role in American efforts for prolonged regional peace in the Mideast, a peace that will resolve difference between Israel and her neighbors, as well as border disputes between Syria and Lebanon. He credits the new US administration of President Barak Obama. Abdullah warned that if current efforts fail, it may lead to war.
“If we delay our peace negotiations, then there is going to be another conflict between Arabs or Muslims and Israel in the next 12-18 months,” the King said.
“What we are talking about is not Israelis and Palestinians sitting at the table, but Israelis sitting with Palestinians, Israelis sitting with Syrians, Israelis sitting with Lebanese,” said the King, who boasts his role in the effort which was born during his recent White House visit. He blames Israel for repeatedly refusing the two state solution which he insists will actually result in a 57-state solution, resulting in all Arab nations recognizing Israel’s legitimate right to exist.
“We are offering a third of the world to meet them with open arms,” said the King. “The future is not the Jordan River or the Golan Heights or the Sinai, the future is Morocco in the Atlantic and Indonesia in the Pacific. That is the prize.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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