Likud Erev Lag B’Omer Grievance Conference

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is not having an easy time balancing a coalition that includes parties who hail opposing political platforms. Being a seasoned career diplomat, he does appear to possess the tools to maintain control but now, the turmoil is stemming from within, from the Likud Central Committee leadership body.
On Monday, the central committee met in what is being labeled a “grievance conference”, providing a platform for the approximately 3,000-strong body to air its disapproval regarding the choices made by the prime minister.
Participants decided there will not be a 100-day grace period, deciding to convene less than 50 days into the administration, unwilling to curb their anger over the fact they were not given “the jobs”, questioning why party ministers have turned their backs on the governing body, opting in many cases to select aides from the rank-and-file of Kadima and other parties. The air was one of anger and a leaning towards acts of revenge, with some of the prominent committee personalities vowing to “retake the power”, explaining they will move to eliminate the party primaries and return to the former system, in which the central committee determines the party lineup. This will make ministers and party leaders beholden to the central committee members.
Participants interviewed by Israel Channel 2 TV News expressed feelings of betrayal, explaining “ministers were on the phone daily before the election, seeking our support to obtain a top slot on the lineup. SMS text messages were commonplace, but now, they have forgotten us, failing to return calls or call to express gratitude”.
There was much criticism regarding those party officials who selected staff members and advisors labeled “foreign workers,” making reference to Yisrael Katz who selected a spokesman from the ranks of Kadima. Others spoke of the unacceptably high number of “Anglo Saxon advisors and aides surrounding the prime minister”, questioning why the Sephardic representation in those positions is minimal at best.
The central committee members are giving Mr. Netanyahu a few days to respond, but they appeared determined to begin taking back the power, confident that in the future, they will once again be the power brokers who will determine the fate of party loyalists.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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