Netanyahu Saves $14,000 by Flying with the Boys

Breaking the practice of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu earned limited words of praise in the media, usually a forum for hostility in reference to this prime minister.
The prime minister on his visit to Egypt on Monday opted to travel on the same flight as the media and others accompanying the entourage, all traveling on an Arkia flight. The prime minister was compelled to wait in the VIP lounge for one hour while the media underwent security inspections but he was determined not to fly to Egypt in a private corporate jet as was the custom of his predecessor, Ehud Olmert.
The decision to fly together resulted in a savings of $14,000 for the treasury, a modest sum that earned Mr. Netanyahu a brief respite from the regular words of criticism usually leveled against him in the daily tabloids.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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