Syria Moving Forward with Nonconventional Weaponry

asad.jpgThe site of the Syrian nuclear facility that was bombed by Israel has been converted to a facility for the manufacture of biological weaponry, the American CBS News network reports, quoting US intelligence community sources. The report states that as a result, Syria significantly expanded her biological and chemical weaponry programs.

According to the report appearing in the daily Yediot Achronot, the news of the renewed nonconventional weaponry facility is one of the factors that prompted US President Barak Obama to renew sanctions against Syria.

Quoting a “senior intelligence official in Washington,” Yediot reports Syria has denied the presence of the new facility on the site of the destroyed nuclear plant. Satellite photos of the site however tell a different story, one that shows that once again, the Syrians are lying.

Two U.S. envoys, including the State Department’s top Middle East official, Jeffrey Feltman, were in Damascus last week for meetings with top officials. They basically brought the evidence in hand, but the Syrian officials remained firm in their denial, stating there is no such facility as shown in the satellite photos.

The envoys returned to Washington without results, compelling the US president to reevaluate his policy of dialogue with the Syrians, prompting the decision to renew sanctions against Damascus.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Remember Secretary of State Schultz? He was first feared as a pro Arab with interests in the oil business? He later turned totally anti Arab because he realized that this Chevreh is totally insincere.
    Obama seems to elicit very much of the same fears.
    He did not grow up in what they call the “Judeo-Christian” tradition. He might not grasp the culture divide between moslems and the rest of the world.
    Give him some time. He’ll realize what a bunch of fakers he is up against. He is a sincere person. He’ll be revolted by them.
    Like the Chinese like to say: We live in interesting times.

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