Meron: Boiyaner Rebbe Shlita to Light Bonfire

meron11.jpgIn keeping with tradition, the Boiyaner Rebbe Shlita will on Monday night, Lag B’Omer, light the main bonfire in Meron at Kever Rashbi. The Rebbe is continuing the tradition of his predecessors, dating back to the Rizhin-Boiyan dynasty, starting with Rebbe Yisrael M’Rizhin ZY”A.

The lighting of the fire will signal the start of events at the Kever, which continue throughout the night and day of the yahrzeit of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai ZY”A.

The numbers of people who attend the event during the 24-hour period increases annually police report, and police, MDA, ZAKA and other volunteer organizations are taking up position in preparation for the hundreds of thousands expected to pass through.

The new underground passage under Route 866 which near Meron was opened last week at a cost of NIS 10 million, towards avoiding a repeat of last year’s fiasco which Israel Police commanders announce will not reoccur.

Festivities will get underway on Monday in Tzfas and Meron, with the traditional sefer torah being carried from Bet Abu to Kever Rashbi, for the 176th consecutive year, the daily HaMevaser reports. The procession will make its way through the alleyways of Tzfas with singing and dancing, with public officials taking part, until arriving at the aron kodesh in Meron.

Admorim Shlita Expected to Arrive in Meron
The Bostoner Rebbe Shlita arrives on Lag B’Omer day from Tiveria to Asra Kadisha, and gives the chalaka (first hair cut) to the three-year-olds.

The Lelover Rebbe Shlita davens shachris in his beis medresh in Tzfas, after which he will make his way to Asra Kadisha to light his fire.

The Nadvorna Rebbe Shlita will make his way to Meron on Lag B’Omer following mincha in his beis medresh in Bnei Brak.

The Chernobler Rebbe Shlita travels to Meron on Lag B’Omer during the afternoon hours, recites tehillim and then gives a chalaka (upsheirin) to the three-year-olds. The Rebbe then travels to Tzfas where he holds a tisch.

The Rachmanstrivka Rebbe Shlita arrives during the predawn hours of Lag B’Omer and davens shacris at the Tzion of the Rashbi.

The Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe Shlita arrives in Meron during the afternoon hours of Lag B’Omer. He gives a chalaka to children, recites tehillim with the tzibur holds a tisch and then lights his bonfire.

The Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita arrives in Meron towards the later afternoon on Lag B’Omer where he davens mincha.

The Alexander Rebbe Shlita arrives at the Kever at 5:00pm on Lag B’Omer, holds a tisch and then lights a bonfire.

The Kapshintz Rebbe Shlita arrives on the day after Lag B’Omer, davening mincha and maariv at the Tzion of the Rashbi.

The Derg Rebbe Shlita arrives during the afternoon, recites tehillim and then lights a fire.

The Sassover Rebbe Shlita leaves Kiryat Yismach Moshe at 11:30 together with his chassidim. He then gives a chalaka to children and accepts kvitlach.

The Kuzmeir Rebbe Shlita will light a fire outside his Bnei Brak beis medresh on Monday night and then head to Atra Kadisha.

Rav Eliezer Koenig Shlita travels to Meron on Lag B’Omer during the afternoon hours, recites tehillim and gives a chalaka to children.

Rav Leib Mantzberg Shlita, Rav of K’hal Adas Yerushalayim, travels to Meron during the afternoon together with members of his kehillah where he gives a chalaka to children and lights a bonfire at the Tzion.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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