A Costly Papal Visit for Israel

ywnisrael1.jpgThe nation is preparing for the upcoming visit of Pope Benedict XVI, who is scheduled to arrive on Monday for a five-day stay. Thousands of police will be on hand to protect the pope and maintain order as he visits no less than 23 sites around Israel. The major undertaking is code named Operation White Cloak and it will involved 80,000 security personnel.

Israel Police Chief Dudi Cohen spoke highly of the force, the ability to undertake such a massive operation that involves nationwide preparedness. Special security precautions will be taken during the papal visit which will hamper the day-to-day lives of Israelis, especially in Jerusalem. Parking will be prohibited in many areas, including near Yad Vashem, in the Old City, the Kosel area, Via Dolorosa, and other areas. Traffic snarls are to be expected in many areas in the capital. Vehicles parked in banned areas will be promptly towed.

Jerusalem City Hall is also busy cleaning up a number of areas, including the plaza around Jaffe Gate, Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the area approaching the Greek Orthodox Church. No less than 1,400 Israeli and Vatican flags are being hung around the city.

Officials also report that over 10,000 Christian Arabs living in PA (Palestinian Authority) areas will be permitted into Green Line Israel for the event.

The Vatican has made a request to Israel to turn over control of six holy sites to the Church, a move that has elicited halachic objections from leading rabbonim, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Interior Minister Eli Yishai announced he too opposes the move and will not sign to approve any request to hand over areas of Eretz Yisael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. the pope is a very important head of state. this visit matters not only to people living in israel but also to yiddin living in many parts of the world. the history of this pope has been very PRO israel over the years. so, yes, this visit is very important and we daven it should go well.
    on a different venue, this gives much advertisement to israel for people all over the world to come and visit. remember, this is also important for the economy.

  2. Bibi, send the bill for this visit to:
    Accounts Payable Dept.
    Vatican City
    Rome, Italy

    and write on the bill: Due upon receipt

    and you can tell his Popeness we can talk about catholic access to places in OUR holy city AFTER he gives back the Kayleem stolen from the Beit HaMikdash!

  3. As the catholic church is quite wealthy, with major real estate holdings worldwide, the Israeli Government should politely ask them to cover the cost of this trip. If they refuse, the visit can be “postponed.”

    Did he not invite himself? Then, he should pay for it, not our poor brothers!

  4. #1 why is this visit very important for israel & the jewish people? Where was the pope & the vatican during the nazi era? Its rubbish what your saying they are pro israel they will never like the jews!! Just go a bit back in history and see what the christens did to the jewish people.

  5. Yerushalayim:
    Spit out this uncircumcised idol worshipper from your holy city. Avenge the Jewish blood spilled by the Catholic Church for almost 2 millenia.

  6. i think the pope is capable of understanding that we cannot turn over certain areas due to religious reasons & not politics

  7. #3. It’s unlikely Bibi will do your first suggestion BUT if someone briefs Bibi as th the valued items the vatican has that belong to the Jewish people, perhaps he may ask for them. Tons of seforim, countless sifrei Torah and other sifrei Kodesh aside from the Klei haMikdash.

    I wonder if he plans to go to Miron too! It’s a shame that this tumah has to come although we may benefit. Nu!

  8. #1. The history of the Vatican has been anything but pro-Israel. But if you say this pope is pro-Israel, it is for reasons that are offensive to Jews. Religious Xtians who are pro-Israel are so, according to their views in the context of their idea of yushka.

  9. one has only to look at the change of attitude that has taken place from the vatican in the past decade. the present pope had a big hand in that turnabout. that the jews are the older brother in the relationship is a most welcomed change.
    the pope has been in israel before he was elected
    and the visits were very positive. so come with an open mind.

  10. Hay Bobby57 just an FYI to keep it real and with no spin…
    This guy was a member of Hitlers Youth who’s members went on when they became of age to the SS.
    He has a long history that is not very kindly to the Jewish people nor Israel. You need to do you homework before flapping those fingers all over your keyboard.

  11. Excuse me #12 thats only because now days its very stylish to just talk alot but when it comes down to it they dont do a thing. when did they ever help us????

  12. #13, it’s you who needs to do homework. EVERY German boy of his age was in the Hitler Youth. They had no choice. But he never attended any meetings. It had nothing to do with the SS; when he was old enough he was drafted into the army, not the SS. And he deserted as soon as he could.

    What in his history is not kindly to the Jews or to Israel? As far as I know he is a philosemite. I have no problem with him as a person; if he weren’t the Avi Avos Hatum’oh I would respect him.

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