State Comptroller: Concerns Over the Health of Our Poultry

In the state comptroller’s report released on Wednesday, May 6th, one of the many subjects addressed is concerns over the integrity of the feed given to chickens which eventually land out on our dinner plates.


According to State Comptroller Lindenstrauss, some of the feed given to livestock may include as much as 5% arsenic. The compound in essence acts as a growth stimulant, resulting in chickens reaching slaughter weight faster.


Unfortunately reports the state comptroller, arsenic is not exactly a health food for humans and the buildup of the toxic substance may have a negative impact on the health of consumers, detailing the complications of hepatic damage to humans.


Arsenic levels are even greater in fish the report adds; also expressing concerns over pouring arsenic in the bodies of water, which eventually finds its way in our drinking supply.


It appears that back in 2003, the Ministry of Agriculture permitted the use of a chemical containing arsenic to be given to poultry to speed up their fattening process. Health officials learned of this in 2006, but did not ban its use. Only at the end of 2007 did agriculture officials ban the use of the chemical but some poultry growers were still using it in 2008.


In response, Ministry of Agriculture officials explain the arsenic contained in the compound is organic, which is significantly different from the non-organic compound, emphasizing its toxic impact is far less serious.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)



One Response

  1. in a recent survey of all homes serving chicken, they found that the chicken was DEAD when it was served. this finding leads to the only conclusion possible, which is…. it must be that all chickens that eat also die!!!

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