Shabbos With the Belzer Rebbe Shlita – $200,000

For those who were unable to pay the $250,000 price to spend a Shabbos with the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita, one may now spend this coming Shabbos with the Belzer Rebbe Shlita, for $200,000.
30 Chassidim from Eretz Yisrael and abroad have signed up for the special opportunity, with reports indicating most of them are coming from outside of Israel.
The givirim will daven with the Rebbe and enjoy the seudas Shabbos at the Rebbe’s tisch.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. What a painful article to read. one never had to pay to see their rebbe. I am dan l’kaf zechus that they are using this as a means of raising money for the moisdois

  2. #2– I am fairly certain that the hasidim would donate the money anyways, and the rebbe would see them anyways. It’s a fund raising device, actually more of a publicity stunt. It’s not “selling” access to the rebbe.

  3. Yidelk,

    You say that you are “dan l’kaf zechus that they are using this as a means of raising money for the moisdois”. Did this really require you to be dan l’kaf zchus. What did you think the Rebbe was doing with money? Buying drugs?

    The Grump

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