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Israel: Official Unemployment Climbs to 226,000

unem.jpgMarch 2009 brought another increase in the number of Israelis losing their jobs, government employment officials report. Officials report that at the end of March, the number of registered unemployed Israelis is 226,000, up from 220,900 in February, representing an increase of 5,100 people.

The number of people who lost their jobs in March is 19,939, as compared to 17,830 in February and 19,719 in January.

Yossi Farchi, who is in charge of unemployment services offices around the country cautiously expresses a bit of optimism with the hope the downward trend may be slowing down.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The numbers could be much worse. A large number of hareidim are employed “off the books”, which has a significant macroeconomic impact, and if they lose their jobs, it doesn’t show up in the government’s figures.

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