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Yishai Working to Untangle Construction Bureaucracy

Regarding building in many areas, Shas leader Interior Minister Eli Yishai explained “to my sorrow, obtaining land permits and completing the legal process can take 7-8 years,” adding he hopes to work towards changing the law to expedite such processes, pointing out that the Justice Ministry however opposes such amendments to the law. “Today, newlyweds are compelled to live with the parents. It’s absurd – a catastrophe. The law must be amended. Baruch Hashem, the prime minister understands the problem and is undertaking to work towards reform.”

Yishai explained that stepped-up construction will also create tens of thousands of jobs, a side benefit during this recession, explaining once construction begins, there are many allied building professionals and common laborers who will benefit as a result, and at the end, the entire economy reaps the rewards of building badly-needed housing units.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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