Rav Amar Shlita: Fast Over Swine Flu Outbreak; Quotes Gemara in Taanis

amar.jpg(Link to image below) Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon Rav Moshe Shlomo Amar Shlita on Monday morning released a kol korei, calling on the tzibur to accept a fast day on Thursday in response to the swine flu around the world.

Rav Amar in his letter states “it is due to our aveiros (transgressions) that this illness is seen in Mexico and around the world and health experts warn it may continue to pandemic proportions worldwide. The international medical community is preparing for the worst, following all directives.

“We must cry out to Hashem…”, stated Rav Amar, quoting Gemara Taanis (21:2) when it was said to Rav Yehuda that there is a plague among swine, which prompted an immediate response of a fast because the digestive systems of pigs are similar to that of humans. It also says if there is an outbreak far away, to declare a fast since this things travel [as we see in today’s case].

The Rishon L’Tzion calls on whoever is capable to accept a fast day at mincha on Wednesday and to fast on Thursday, which is Thursday of BAHAB in any event. Those unable to accept a fast day upon themselves should fast a half a day or accept a taanis dibur (refrain from speech) on Thursday instead, the Rav states.

Everyone is compelled to examine his actions, those between himself and HaKadosh Baruch Hu and between man and his fellow man, Rav Amar adds, in additional to strengthening one’s Torah learning.

Click HERE to view image of the Gemara.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. It’s puzzling. There was a mekubal who said that the tsunami was a result of the sins of the ‘Canaanim.’ Tzorich Iyun…

  2. One thing I don’t understand is how can a pig’s intestines be compared to that of a human being when a pig is mamash not kosher? Can anyone explain this?

  3. plonie the tsunami which only affected canaanim was bc of the sins of the canaanim this can affect anyone

  4. to # 3
    can u [mamash] please explain ur question.
    what does not being kosher [bec. its not m.g.] have to do with anything?!
    [anyway, u can look at the artscroll gmrah,itll probably help u with this basic fact.

  5. to #1
    the answer by #4 is correct acc.to the ran on this gmara.
    acc.to tosfot & shulchan aruch the answer is that this gmara is only about a plague.[not a “natural” disaster which only affected certain goiyim ]

  6. #5 A pig is a non-kosher animal which means it does not chew its cud so therefore its intestines should be different that of a human being since we surely don’t eat like pigs do. So does it meant that we eat like pigs so we can get this swine flu? I will check the artscrooll gemera if I can read the fine print.

  7. “Click HERE to view image of the Gemara.”

    In the spirit of “Im BeChukosai Teileichu” — “SheTiheyu AMEILIM BaTorah [RASHI] — I suggest that, we only click the link to the “spoon-fed” Artscroll English Gemara as a last-resort; i.e., only after we have tried to understand the reference from Gemara Taanis Daf Chaf-Alef, Amud Beis (21b) and need help.

    If a Gemara Taanis is not available, please go to the E-Daf Web site:

  8. really i still dont get it.
    u imply that u [& other humans] DO chew… cud!?!?
    can anyone help me make sense out of comment #7 ??

  9. #5 a pig doesnt chew its cud humans dont either reason being because both have the same kind of stomach what a pig has that makes it confusing is that it has split hooves but it doesnt chew its cud

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