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Monday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Justice Minister Prof. Yaakov Ne’eman on Sunday called for looking into possibly lowering the salaries of cabinet ministers, deputy ministers and their staffs, a move which he feels would be symbolically appropriate during these difficult economic times.

**Three PA (Palestinian Authority) residents were arrested at Kalandia Ckpt on the northern Jerusalem border on Saturday, each found to be concealing a knife. They admitted they planned to attack soldiers at the checkpoint.

**4,000 police assigned to Meron to maintain security on Lag B’Omer.

**A mother and 8-month-old admitted to Hadassah Hospital have tested negative for swine flu.

**Clalit HMO employees ended work sanctions on Monday morning.

**A number of southern Israel Railways lines will not be in service on Monday to permit track work.

**An Arab detected near the Gaza border who failed to heed soldier’s calls to halt was shot and lightly-to-moderately wounded during the night. He was taken to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon in custody.

**A senior Islamic Jihad leader stated any Israeli aggression against Gaza will result in renewed rocket fire into Israel.

**Police continue the search for the attacker of the IDF soldier in Ramat Gan on Sunday afternoon. The soldier is described in good condition on Monday.

**President Shimon Peres is pressuring Interior Minister Eli Yishai to comply with a Vatican request to turn over control of six Christian holy sites to the Church.

**Due to heavy sharav winds and poor visibility, S’dei Airport is closed to small aircraft takeoffs, only permitting larger aircraft to take off.

**The Knesset summer session gets underway today, Monday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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