IDF Soldier Injured in Stabbing Attack in Ramat Gan [UPDATED]

ywbn11.gif6:11PM IL: [UPDATES BELOW] An IDF soldier was stabbed on Abba Hillel Street in Ramat Gan a short time ago. He is being transported to Ichilov Hospital, reportedly in moderate-to-serious condition.

UPDATE 6:18PM IL: It is now being reported the soldier was stabbed by an Arab in an apparent terrorist attack. His condition is reported as serious.

UPDATE 6:23PM IL: The IDF soldier who was stabbed was wounded in his neck. An Arab jumped the soldier on Abba Hillel Street near the city’s shopping center and fled. Police are closing down the area in search for the attacker. Preliminary reports from Ichilov indicate the soldier is in light-to-moderate condition.

UPDATE 7:35PM IL: The soldier stabbed was on a Dan Company bus, the number 67, when the attack occurred at the intersection of Abba Hillel and Rashi Streets in Ramat Gan. The soldier was transported to the emergency room of Ichilov Hospital, where he was reported in light-to-moderate condition with neck wounds. Police closed down the area in the hope of apprehending the attacker, who witnesses described as “an Arab male”.
While police have not yet announced with absolute certainty that the incident was a stabbing attack, eyewitnesses state there is no doubt that this was terror, an Arab launching an attack against an IDF soldier. The told police they heard the screams of the soldier, who was seated in the rear of the bus, turning to see him with a knife protruding from his neck. They did not hear any altercation, and all agreed the attacker had an “Arab appearance”.
Bus driver Shalom Barda explained to police when he heard the screams he stopped the bus and saw the soldier run to one side, then get off the bus. The attacker ran in the direction of Abba Hillel Street.
A local storekeeper, David Baruch told police the soldier got off the bus and took off after the attacker despite his wounds, but he did not apprehend him.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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