Rav Elyashiv: Returning Mexican Yeshiva Students Must Remain in Segregation

elyashiv.jpgStudents of Bnei Brak’s Hadras Melech Yeshiva who recently returned from Mexico this week remained in an apartment separated from other bochrim. The decision was made by HaGaon Rav Elyashiv Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Wosner Shlita.

The yeshiva is home to some 50 Spanish-speaking bochrim from Mexico and other countries. Ten bochrim returned from Mexico this week following the Pesach break.

According to a report appearing in the daily HaMevaser, Rav Kovlevski, the son of the rosh yeshiva HaGaon Rav Aryeh Kovlevski was concerned as how to act regarding the returning students, prompting the query to Gedolei Yisrael.

The report states a delegation visited Maran Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, who referred them to Maran Hagon Rav Elyashiv Shlita. He stated it could be a question of pikuach nefesh and until it is certain the bochrim returning from Mexico are not infected, they should remain separate from the others.

Another delegation asked Maran Hagon Rav Wosner Shlita, who convened his special beis din and it was decided they must adhere to Health Ministry directives to keep the bochrim separate.

When the youths arrived in Eretz Yisrael, the Health Ministry hadn’t yet implemented medical examinations at the airport.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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