Maran Rav Kanievsky Tells Choson Not to Fly to Mexico

kaniev.jpgMaran Rav Chaim Kanievsky has instructed a young choson, scheduled to marry in the immediate future in Mexico, not to fly there. The choson approached the Gadol HaDor to inquire as to what he should do. He was told in no uncertain terms not to fly to Mexico due to the flu outbreak.

Apparently the response is reflective of similar questions asked to rabbonim over recent days, all receiving a similar response. Actually, in this case of the choson, the chasnah is only scheduled to take place two weeks from now but Rav Kanievsky stated emphatically the choson should not fly to Mexico.

On the other side of the coin, a number of avreichim from Mexico asked Gedolim if they should come to Eretz Yisrael due to the situation. They were told to remain, and to be diligent in adhering to the instructions of health officials.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. Not that it makes a difference, but was this bachur from Israel or America.

    If he brings the flu to Israel it could be a lot worse then America due to the close proximity of houses in Israel.

  2. So what is this chosson to do? Not get married yet? Get married somewhere else (& risk his Kallah & family infecting others outside of Mexico)?

    I wish you’d post the p’sak in full.

  3. I don’t understand this at all. It doesn’t seem to be any more deadly than any other flu. Isn’t it a ruba dlaisa kman anyway?

  4. #5: (#6 was a little harsh but accurate.) The gemara’s retort to the argument ” מלאך המות מה לי הכא ומה לי התם” is “דקיימא באגם” – Don’t put yourself or your property in a dangerous place.

  5. Most of the comments above indicate that people have not yet grasped the seriousness of this epidemic. It is spreading like wildfires and has reached USA, israel and I am sure other countries too.
    People are dying from this flu!!!!!!!!
    See gemorro Taanis 21B 18 lines from the bottom and the shulchan aruch on this too.
    I hope that all of klal yisroel understand from Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s pask how serious this actually is.

  6. The girl and her family can easily fly to Israel. Many stories of accomodating the other side exist. You don’t push off a chassunah, you look for more options.

    There must be much more to the psak.

  7. rbsyid,
    apparently you dont understand. it is not an epidemic, it is a pandemic. big difference. Take epidemiology before you talk about “grasping the seriousness.” OK?
    Im not saying dont be cautious, but dont make it out to be more than it is. tens of thousands of people die from influenza infections every year. so far there has been but one fatality on US soil

  8. Hey,I dont get it, I am not a masmid. What does # 4 mean by Ruba Dlailsa Kman? and # 8 d’kaima B’agam? Can you please translate it into english for those of us that are am’eratzim? yasher koach.

  9. you guys should learn 20 hours a day for another 50 years and you might have a chance to maybe understand where rav chaim’s psakim come from- till then keep your mouths shut. by the way how many of you finnished the ketzos hachoshen from cover to cover ( rev chaim has – more than once)

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