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Turkey Backing Down – Seeking Renewed Relations With Israel

turkey.jpgIt appears Turkey is interested in a resumption of diplomatic ties with Israel following the diplomatic row which occurred as a result of Operation Cast Lead.

According to a report publicized by the Anatolia news agency, the prosecution has turned down a request from an Islamic organization seeking to file war crime charges against senior Israeli officials. The prosecution is quoted as stating there is no proof to back such allegations.

The diplomatic row was caused by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who accused Israel of murdering innocent children and committing war crimes, breaking off ties temporarily.

While Israel and Turkey enjoy good relations, Jerusalem this week expressed concern over joint military exercises between Ankara and Damascus. Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated the government is watching the joint exercises with caution, adding it was cause for true concern.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Why the picture. The bird in question is an all-American (kosher according to most rabbanim), that has nothing to do with the nation of Turkey. Israel’s main connection to turkies involves schnitzel, whereas Turkey is a critical country in Middle Eastern affairs.

    You DO know the difference????

  2. Turkey wants the Israeli tourist money. Tell them to abandon their anti-semitism first.

    Akuperma, was your post supposed to be funny? Because if is was I forgot to laugh.

  3. akuperma,

    No, I don’t think YWN knew the difference, and neither did I. That is why I am so glad you enlightened them and me! I am sure YWN was getting just as anxious as I was in contemplation of Israel encouraging a relationship with shnitzel- very unclassy!

  4. actually, its not the turkey $ (i mean israeli tourist $)

    the REAL power in turkey is the turkish military (which maskes regular coup d’etats) and they know where to buy miltary equipment — in israel.

    as for tourism israeli’s (like my yerushalmi cousin who runs pesach pgm in turkey for israelis) its peanuts (oops — kitniyot)

    as for turkey being kosher or not — i’m surprised a charedi web site like you doesnt know there is (supposedly) no mesorah for turkey, so its somewhat problematic. then again, there is no mesorah for the muscovy duck that has also become kosher the past hundred years. so much for our “pate de fois gras” (made from ducks liver).

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