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Israel: Child Allowance Payments Under New Arrangement

Following are the planned changes in monthly child allowance payments according to the draft proposal, which of course are subject to change before being approved.

Today, the monthly child allowance payment for one child is NIS 159, which will increase to NIS 195 in July 2010. Beginning July 2011, it will increase again to NIS 252 and from April 2012 until December 2012, payment will be NIS 259.

The payment for a third child will increase in August 2009 to NIS 219 monthly and in June 2010, it will increase again to NIS 252, from April 2012 I will reach NIS 259.

Fourth child: beginning September 2009, NIS 252; April 2012 to NIS 259.

Sixth child or more born before June 2003, no change.

Beginning in 2013, all Bituach Leumi payments will be adjusted in accordance to the linkage formula being approved in the Bituach Leumi Law, the daily HaMevaser reports.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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