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AG Mazuz to Indict Barakeh on Assault Charges

Attorney General Menachem Mazuz has announced he plans to move ahead with a criminal indictment against MK (Hadash) Mohammad Barakeh, who will be charged with assault.

The incident refers to a protest in 2007 during which the Arab MK allegedly interfered with police as then Defense Minister Ehud Barak was visiting Nazareth.

The MK is protected by his parliamentary immunity, which he may opt to lift voluntarily, or alternatively, a committee of his peers will have to vote to lift his immunity or reject the attorney general’s request.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Parlimentary immunity!?!? What a sick joke!!! This traitor has no place being in the Knesset! He is clearly an enemy of the state. Having him in the Knesset is not an example of democracy, its an example of INSANITY!!!

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