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Victim of Rock Attack Opens Fire – Attacker Seriously Wounded

An Israeli motorist whose vehicle was bombarded with rocks as he traveled near Karnei Shomron in Shomron on Monday afternoon opened fire, striking his attacker and wounding him seriously.

The driver, a Karnei Shomron resident, reported to police following the incident that he was attacked and in response, he fired a number of shots in the air from his licensed handgun. He showed police the damage to his vehicle as a result of the rocks.

Arabs later complained to police that one of their villagers was wounded by gunfire, telling police “settlers opened fire at them,” without mentioning the rock-throwing attack. The man who fired his weapon was then called in for questioning by police.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. These rocks are not just little pebbles. They are big and dangerous enough to often cause drivers to lose control of their cars and and have serious accidents. Sometimes the “rocks” are actually heavy concrete contruction blocks that are hurled through windshields and can themselves seriously injure or even kill the driver. Too bad he ONLY wounded this terrorist. Even if the yishmaeli who did this is caught, he’ll be freed to do it again. Let’s pray that the Chelm-like authorities in Israel don’t cause any grief to the Jewish shooter!

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