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Litzman: Don’t Refer to Illness as Swine Flu

sflu.jpgDeputy Health Minister R’ Yaakov Litzman on Monday recommends using the term “Mexican flu” instead of swine flu, as the potentially fatal illness that is moving around the world is called.

A second man was isolated in Israel, in Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba after returning from Mexico and exhibiting flu-type symptoms. As was the case with the first man, 27-year- old Tomer Vajin, who remains in isolation following his return from Mexico and exhibiting flu symptoms, doctors in Laniado Hospital in Netanya continue monitoring his condition, awaiting results of diagnostic tests.

Health Ministry officials have not issued a travel ban, but Litzman stated it would be a prudent move to avoid a flight to Mexico at present if at all possible.

Israel health experts continue to call for calm, stressing the flu has not been diagnosed in Israel. Officials add that at present, there are enough Tamiflu pills to treat 1.1 million people and the ministry has 3,000 respirators if chas v’sholom the need arises.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. That is actually not as dumb a comment as the hiloni press is making it sound like. By calling it “swine” flu, Jews and Muslims will think that one gets the flu from associating with, or eating pigs, and therefore that it isn’t our problem, which is not the case.

    There are diseases that for the most part aren’t our problem (most sexually transmitted ones, for example), however the flu is spread by people breathing and is as likely to kill Jews (or Muslims) as it is to kill anyone else.

  2. Rav Litzman: “Chachomim Hizoharu BeDivreichem.” The Chilonim are looking for every opportunity to ridicule Talmidei Chachomim and Shomrei Torah UMitzvos. Please note that they continue to refer to us as “ultra”-Orthodox.

    This reminds me of something I heard from a prominent doctor: The insane man believes that he is “normal” and everyone else is “crazy.”

  3. I looked at what the Hiloni press says that Rabbi Litzman said, and he was clearly uncomfotable with the name “swine” flu. Assuming he realizes it has a potential threat (his civil service staff probably explained that, with an appropriate reference to 1918), he was showing his unease at having to try to tell frum Jews to worry about something connected to pork.

  4. Apparently, Prime Minister Netanyahu has little confidence in his “Deputy” Health Minister. According to Arutz-Sheva:

    “Netanyahu is considering transferring the responsibility for the situation from the Health Ministry to the Defense Ministry due to the emergency nature of the outbreak. Defense Minister Ehud Barak has already ordered his office to prepare for such a decision.”

  5. the ‘mexican flu’ or swine flu are one of a kind. unfortunately it originated among pigs and can spread among humans, as it did.the who is only concerned that it doesnt reach pandemic proportions
    like the chicken flu did at the beginning of the 20th century.i think it should be referred as swine flu so peop;e should not become complacent and think you have top be in mexico to get the ‘mexican flu’.if you dont want to call it swine flu call it some other name but not by nation.

  6. It’s a chillul hashem for a prominent Chareidi to say something foolish in public. Defending everything that any frum public figure says does not alleviate the chillul hashem.

    ניט אלץ וואס מען טראכט דארף מען זאגען.

    Translation for Harries.

    Not all thoughts should be publicly announced.

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