Egypt: Israel & American Sank Iranian Ship Bringing Weapons to Gaza

shi.jpgAccording to officials in Egypt, Israel and the United States played a role in the sinking of an Iranian registered ship in the Red Sea, off the Sudanese coast. The ship was carrying long-range missiles to Hamas-controlled Gaza.

According to the report appearing in the Al-Usbua newspaper, an “unidentified ship”, either American or Israeli, fired missiles at the Iranian vessel. A senior Egyptian official reported that Israel was responsible for the primary intelligence information and monitoring the vessel but the actual missile fire was not carried out by the Israelis.

The vessel was carrying dozens of Fajar missiles, the type used by Hizbullah in the Second Lebanon War, missiles with a range up to 70km (42 miles) and carrying warheads weighing in at 50-70kg. Such missiles would place Tel Aviv within striking distance of Gaza.

This latest report follows a report in March claiming Israel targeted a 17-truck weapons convoy in Sudan, also intended for Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. I’m sure we’ll be hearing from Ban Ki Moon shortly about how the missiles were intended for humanitarian purposes and the Israelis and Americans are harming the poor innocent Gaza residents. The UN will figure out a way to say the missiles were intended to help the nebach Gazans.

  2. no UN resolution? i guess they where to busy accommodating Achmadinajeds human rights speech.
    ok apology excepted….

  3. #3 and #4! You guys are right on!
    #3, perhaps you should forward your message to the national media outlets! They may even report it just as you said it!

  4. What I am worried about…. is human shields. If they start sending in weopans via boat with kids etc…on it..basically daring Israel to blow it up and cause a PR nightmare..and one of them will end up being a boatload of kids on their graduation trip to “Mecca” or something like that..and just turn into a media disaster c’v. Not that that should deter Israel from defending themselves..but just something else to worry about.

  5. #10 & #11 hmm quite thoughtful of you– You’re only scratching the surface though. As in Gaza we must certainly be fearful of the effect this violence may have on the next generation of Palestinian children who witness such strong actions. Punishing Hamas and humiliating militants poses a grave threat to the faith that raw chutzpah, bloodlust and anarchy can be valid means of carrying out Gd’s will.

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