Israel: 34 Injured in Two Bus Accidents

Two accidents involving buses in northern Israel on Sunday resulted in the injuring of 34 bus passengers. One accident was between a bus and a jeep at Yagur Junction in the Haifa area. The bus was traveling from Bar Yehuda towards Yagur when it collided with a jeep after the jeep driver apparently lost control.

The impact threw the bus on its side, striking a pole, resulting in the light-to-moderate injuring of 18 passengers. The jeep flipped and the driver was lightly injured.

The second accident occurred on Route 77 near Movil Jct. the bus was hit by a vehicle traveling from Ramat Yishai towards the junction, involved in a chain collision. 16 people were lightly injured. Two minibuses, a truck and a private vehicle were involved in the chain collision. The cause was seems to have been a sudden stop by the first vehicle.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. “The cause seems to have been a sudden stop by the first vehicle.” One of the major causes of the horrific rate of traffic accidents in Israel is that most Israeli drivers have no concept at all of DEFENSIVE DRIVING. This story is a case in point. Did these people ever learn to not tailgate??? The lead driver MAY indeed have made a sudden stop, BUT if they weren’t all on top of each other, this accident wouldn’t have happened. Traffic accidents in Israel kill FAR more people each year than terrorism!

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